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Human embryology and developmental biology

This academic book on embryology explains the forms of conception, whether through assisted or extracorporeal fertilization, as well as the formation processes and the way in which a fetus develops.

It has a first stage that develops in 14 chapters the cellular activity in embryology, as well as everything related to fertility and fertilization.

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El academic support for students and doctors it is indispensable in the development of their activities. Whether they are educating themselves on fertility topics, are professors in the field, or see patients, up-to-date information is always necessary!

Stay up to date on new scientific discoveries and remembering those that are already in the records is a way of guaranteeing understanding of the subject.

Thus, this book Human embryology and developmental biology is a classic in the libraries of health professionals.

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Content of the book "Human Embryology and Developmental Biology"

This academic book on embryology explains the forms of conception, whether through assisted or extracorporeal fertilization, as well as the formation processes and the way in which a fetus develops.

It has a first stage that develops in 14 chapters the cellular activity in embryology, as well as everything related to fertility and fertilization.

Then, it continues with chapters referring to the embryonic periods, fetal development and eventualities in pregnancy.

The remaining 13 chapters are about organogenesis, so it also recounts the way in which cavities are produced, all systems arise and the human organism is born.

The book has a section designed to teach about pregnancy and physiological changes, as well as other important aspects of the newborn. Instructs on vital signs, common features and other important to treat you.

What makes Human Embryology and Developmental Biology attractive, however, is that it also touches on complex and hotly debated health topics like all methods of fertility and abortion.

It is based on different theories and critical reading is promoted, so that each reader can make their own conclusions. It also applies to medicine immediately and seeks to generate clear and practical knowledge.

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Characteristics of the book "Human Embryology and Developmental Biology"

Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, is a softcover book on fetal development, which was written by Arteaga Martínez and García Peláez and published through Editorial Médica Panamericana.

In addition to being a text written by medical professionals in the area of ​​fertility and embryology, it is also a graphic tool that includes images and educational elements.

As its audience is students and professionals who require consultation, it is a playful volume to understand all the stages of development, ask certain questions and improve the concept and knowledge about conception, even before it occurs.

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