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🥗 Feeding and improvement of sperm quality

improves quality sperm nutrition

Relationship between feeding and improving sperm quality

Much is said about female fertility and how to improve it and it seems that all the causes of infertility problems or what makes pregnancy more difficult fall on women. Nothing could be further from the truth, in some cases the origin is to be found in the woman and in many others in the man and in some cases, a mixed cause is found, thus affecting both.

What we do know for sure is that since man has lived through the industrial revolution and has lived near factories, semen samples have shown a drastic and progressive drop in sperm quality, so much so that in each revision of the WHO of the parameters of sperm quality, they always go down. And what was once considered a sample with some other deficiency or parameter to improve, is now considered normal or even above average. 

Improve sperm quality with nutrition

So, how can we stop the decline in sperm quality or improve our sperm quality is this like this? Well, one of the best tips we can give you is to take care of your diet and this is what this post is about.

A healthy and balanced diet seems to play a very important role in the quality of the spermatozoa as well as their count since a healthy, fresh and varied diet provides a higher amount of antioxidants. These molecules will protect the sperm from stress or oxidative damage that will occur in cases where the diet is not adequate. 

With an inappropriate diet we are referring to one that abuses fried, refined, ultra-processed, sugars and caffeine. Remember also that everything is ready and without excess, since it is not worth eating balanced and not abusing any type of food but exceeding 2.000 or 2400 kcal in men when there is no argument for that excess. 

So, what will be the quintessential diet to improve sperm quality?

Well, the diet that has been shown to improve the quality of ejaculates and sperm the most is a Mediterranean diet that is richer in micronutrients of plant origin than of animal consumption. Free of poor quality and ultra-processed fats. 

What is the ideal technique in this case to know that you are having a more typical Mediterranean diet? Well, it would be great if you could write down what you eat for a week, in an application, notebook or wherever it suits you best. Write down what is normally eaten "without thinking" a lot, that is, we do not want any deception.

Check your diet

When a week has passed, sit down and look at everything you have eaten, assess if there were more processed than fresh foods, such as their cooking, if you have eaten raw or more aggressive cooking such as fried foods, if in what you have eaten there is all the range of foods, from nuts, legumes, cereals, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables of all kinds etc. 

Once you have started doing this analysis, assess whether you abuse a group a lot of an origin or type of food, for example:

  • Within the meat group, is it very varied or abuse of red meat?
  • In cereals, there is always oatmeal?
  • Of fruits I always keep one or two types? 

Nutritional changes and when to repeat the semen analysis

I invite you to do a critical analysis, it is in your favor, and if you need it, turn to a nutritionist to see where we can improve and help you implement an attack plan. If you do, it would be ideal that in 90 days (the time it takes to produce sperm) you take a male fertility test again and I have no doubt that you will be surprised with the result. 

In addition, apart from nutrition, keep in mind that a active life and without toxins also contributes to an improvement in the general health and quality of sperm

Here is the LINK to a book that I use a lot in consultation to give notions about diet and fertility and ideas about recipes: ZITA WEST, What to eat to get pregnant

Related Post on Male Fertility:

I leave you here a link to two posts on male fertility that will surely interest you