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seidivid plus

  • Nutritional supplement for female fertility
  • Improves the quality of menstrual cycles
  • Each box contains 15 sachets.
  • Boost your fertility and improve the menstrual cycle.
  • Keep reading and we will tell you about its characteristics and how to take it


Seidivid Plus 15 sachets

Seidivid Plus is a food supplement that contains Myo-inositol, Folic Acid, Melatonin and Vitamin D, ideal for the quality of the oocyte and a good hormonal balance aimed at the reproductive health of women of childbearing age. Dosage: 1 sachet per day, preferably at night.

Composition of Seidivid Plus:

Myo-inositol ………… .. 4g
Folic acid ………… .. 400 µg
Melatonin ……………. 1,8 mg
Vitamin D………………. 10 µg

Seidivid Plus composition:

• Myo-inositol, substance belonging to the group of B vitamins. It is involved in physiological processes such as the metabolism of sugars and fats. It is part of cell membranes and is present in significant concentrations in the fluids of the reproductive tract. This optimal concentration of Inositol makes seidivid Pllus an ideal supplement in cases of polycystic ovary.
• Folic acid, substance belonging to the group of B vitamins. In the body it acts
as a coenzyme in various metabolic processes such as DNA synthesis and cell division. Contributes to the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy.
• Melatonin, antioxidant substance produced by the body in the pineal gland
in concentrations that vary depending on the day/night cycle. Melatonin synthesis decreases after 30 years of age and in this case it protects cells against oxidative damage and helps you rest soundly at night.
• Vitamin D, contributes to the normal absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus and to the process of cell division.

Ideal for improving the quality of the menstrual cycle and the quality of the oocyte.

From the Seid house there are many products for fertility, among them you can also find the seidiferty for male fertility

💤 Sleep and fertility: increase your chances of pregnancy

When to take Seidivid plus 15 sachets

It is important that you keep in mind that not only will each box you buy last for 15 days, but you must take the envelopes rigorously and periodically, always at night and preferably at the same time. In this way you can help regulate reproductive capacity.

How to take Seidivid Plus 15 sachets: Every night pour the content of one sachet into a glass of water 150 ml. Pour the content and shake. Once the envelope is dissolved consume.

Recommendations to buy Seidivid Plus

You can find it in pharmacies and also online. In this case, you have to take into account before adding the product to your basket that the delivery time or the express delivery format are not always available and it is better to have a margin so that it arrives in time before finishing the previous box and so make sure take Seidivid plus continuously.

Please note that this food supplement is for women of childbearing age seeking pregnancy, if you are already pregnant you should adapt the vitamins that you take to some properly of pregnancy, these are preconception.

Remember not to exceed the expressly recommended daily dose.



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