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🌱 Fertility can be improved naturally. Tips to conceive naturally.

improve natural fertility

Fertility problems: how to improve them naturally

Deciding to have a child is a very special moment for any couple, or even if this decision is made without being in a relationship. 

The woman already imagines herself with a tummy, thinks about how she is going to decorate the baby's room, and the man often fantasizes about how he is going to play with the little one, or the stories that he is going to tell him before going to sleep. 

But pregnancy doesn't always happen as quickly as expected. And sometimes the search for a baby is accompanied by visits to the doctor and fertility consultations and it is not so easy to get pregnant. 

For this reason, in this article we are going to see how to improve and increase both male and female fertility naturally, and when you should consult a medical specialist. Keep in mind that fertility is not only improved by taking folic acid, omega 3, vitamins from the bol-carnitine group, but you can do many more things to improve fertility if you are trying to get pregnant. 

Daysy my fertility monitor

Tips to increase fertility naturally 

Whether you're just starting the process of looking for a baby or have been trying to conceive for a few months now, these tips will help you improve your chances of conceiving naturally and your lifestyle. 

Control menstrual cycles

To increase the chances of getting pregnant, it is very important to take into account the woman's cycle. 

In women with regular cycles, it is easy to know what the fertile days are. The most fertile days are usually the central 6-7 days of the cycle, that is, the 3 days before the day of ovulation, and the 3 or 4 days after.

In women who have irregular cycles, the easiest option is orgo for ovulation tests or to check basal temperature. It is also important to rule out that there are no hormonal imbalances causing these irregular cycles. 

Once the fertile days of women have been discovered ... It's time to try!

Eliminate the maximum of toxins from home

Have you ever heard of endocrine disruptors? These are chemical compounds that act like hormones. The scientific definition would be “some exogenous chemicals (from outside the body) that mimic, block, or interfere with any aspect of the action of hormones"(Endocrine Society)". To make it short and understandable, the problem with endocrine disruptors is that they modify the function of hormones ... and hormones are responsible, among other processes, for reproductive function. 

The endocrine disruptors enter your body on contact through the skin (with cosmetic or cleaning products that contain these types of particles), by ingestion of foods that have been treated with pesticides, or by their plastic packaging, or even by inhalation of cleaning products

If you want to avoid these disruptors as much as possible, try to stay away from cosmetic products that contain parabens and phthalates (most products are fragranced: they are phthalates). Eliminate plastic containers that contain (BPA or bisphenol A) to prevent heat from entering your body. 

In this sense, I highly recommend the book by Dr. Carme Valls, endocrine specialist in women's health: Environment and health: Women and men in a world of new risks

Benefits of yoga in the field of fertility


And this advice is valid for both the future mother and the future father. Yes, sport is a great way to promote fertility on two fronts: the first, reducing stress, and the second, keeping a Healthy weight. In addition, exercise helps reduce stress and according to publications in the magazine "fertility and sterility" it not only enhances female fertility but also increases fertility in men and their sperm count.  

Stress is a major impediment to getting pregnant for both men and women. You can read about female fertility in this article, and about tips to improve male fertility, here. 


Eat healthy 

Diet is a very important part of reproductive healthboth female and male. It is important, in a generic way, to eat in a balanced way, without excess fat and avoiding ultra-processed foods as much as possible and promoting those antioxidants, healthy, fresh and dried fruits that will help you improve the quality of life and this facilitates getting pregnant . 

If you want to pay more specific attention to the nutrients and vitamins of each food, we recommend that your diet contains food with Vitamin B (bananas, avocados, eggs or cereals), Vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis or cabbages). Also important are the selenium and zinc, present in fish and shellfish and eggs and legumes. 

If you want to ensure a good supply of these nutrients, you can supplement your diet with aSome vitamin supplement to improve female fertility or for male fertility

Vitamin C and fertility

Fertility problems: infertility and sterility

But what happens when it seems that, despite following all these natural recommendations, pregnancy does not come? 

When pregnancy is not achieved after a year of sexual intercourse without contraception (or 6 months in the case of women over 35 years of age), it is considered to exist a fertility problem and that a doctor should be consulted.

The two most common concepts when talking about fertility problems are sterility and infertility. Despite the fact that at street level they are used interchangeably, at a medical level they are two different terms. 

Sterility means that you cannot conceive after sexual intercourse. It is a fertility problem that prevents the egg from being fertilized. 

On the other hand, infertility is a fertility problem in which the sperm does fertilize the ovum, but the pregnancy is not achieved to term. 

In both cases, the natural recommendations we have given continue to work. In fact, the specialist doctor will most likely give you lifestyle guidelines very similar to these, in addition to the medical tests and treatments that he deems appropriate. So, in the event that you have to opt for medical treatments, trust their recommendations, and continue to take great care of your diet and vitamin intake, such as vitamin C and folic acidchoose to do exercise regularly, and watch the cosmetic, cleaning and plastic products you use at home. 

Egg quality


Taking care of yourself before pregnancy is not only good for conception

Everything must be done slowly but surely, we are not going to improve fertility from one day to the next, nor is it going to change our body mass index or fatty acid composition overnight, but if we are going to be more healthy, more active, with an improved quality of life that, at the same time, will not only bring us closer to having better fertility when we want to get pregnant, but also this will make us have a better pregnancy. Not only do we have to take care of ourselves to conceive, but also to gestate. 

And not by running a lot and taking an excess of for example omega 3 and antioxidants to fight free radicals we will get pregnant sooner, reduce stress more quickly or increase fertility more quickly. Not only does time count, but also how we get pregnant and fertility is increased, since if you prepare yourself consciously and without haste, you can also have a healthier pregnancy.


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