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Testicular temperature and infertility 

testicular temperature varicocele infertility

How the temperature of the testicles influences the quality of the sperm

Male infertility can be caused by numerous factors, this as a result of its effect on the generation and maturation of sperm in the testicles themselves, among these factors we can mention elevated testicular temperature, which is our topic in question for this specific item. 

Between 35,5° and 36° the temperature of the testicles is considered normal, which is why any type of elevation that is above these figures will have a negative impact on the sperm maturation process. They usually begin in the seminiferous tubules. 

Let's see below why high testicular temperature lowers the quality of sperm. 


High testicular temperature lowers the quality of sperm

When high testicular temperature is found, this usually influences seminal quality, which is why for me to know correctly the production of sperm, it is necessary that the temperature of the testicles be adequate.

When the temperature is high, then the seminal quality decreases, this results in a lower production of sperm, in addition, motility is decreased and favors the sperm in a quite altered way, this results in heat in the testicles. 

To obtain an accurate result it is important to analyze through a spermatogram to obtain a reliable and accurate result of testicular temperature with the semen sample.

When the sperm is exposed to heat, it generates an increase in DNA fragmentation, and it produces infertility problems, which results in an increased risk of miscarriages and also implantation failure.

What causes elevated temperature in the testicles 

The elevation of the temperature in the testicles can be caused by several circumstances, among them we have: 


It is when the testicle has not yet descended, this occurs in the first years of the man's life, however, it does not usually happen with cryptorchidism. 



It is the dilation of the veins that usually surround the testicle, this causes an increase in temperature as much more blood flows through the scrotum, this results in testicular function being affected. 

In addition, varicocele is a frequent cause of low production and also low quality of sperm, which can certainly cause infertility.

Varicocele can also cause the testicles to not develop properly or can cause it to shrink. It is very likely that this condition manifests itself over time, however, the varicocele is usually easy to diagnose and most do not require any previous treatment, if it usually causes some type of symptoms, then it must be surgically intervened.  


Among the pain that varicocele can cause is:  

  • Mild discomfort and a sharp pain.
  • The pain increases when you are standing or you are doing physical efforts for long periods.
  • The pain usually gets worse as the day goes on and does not subside.
  • When you are lying on your back, the pain usually decreases.
  • There is an alteration of fertility. 


If this is your case, keep in mind that, over time, the varicocele can enlarge and become much more evident, the condition can cause swelling of the testicle, this almost always occurs on the left side. 


In addition to these two cases, there are other reasons that we mention below: 


  • When we use Jacuzzis and saunas, both tend to alter sperm quality.
  • Cycling when done for a long time usually raises the temperature of the testicle.
  • Wearing clothing that is tight on the bottom, this often includes men's underwear.
  • When equipment such as a laptop is used in the lower abdomen or placing the cell phone in the genital area or in the pants pocket, they can raise the temperature of the testicle. 


Effect of environmental temperature on the testicles

The ambient temperature also usually influences, it can affect what is the increase in the temperature of the testicles, when it is very hot, it is when the testicles begin to descend much more than usual, this in order to lower their temperature. 

However, when it is cold, the scrotal sac contracts, that is when the testicles usually get much closer to the abdominal cavity. In summer, in many countries, the ambient temperature can reach 40 °C, which is why it must be taken into account that it can affect male fertility, this usually occurs even though the body is not subjected to these temperatures, either by the use of air conditioning, among others.


It may interest you: 


Is heat damage to sperm reversible?

If the effect of heat on sperm is reversible, this is because they usually regenerate in cycles of three months. If the testicles have been exposed to temperatures that are high for more than 3 months, then the sperm that are formed later will not suffer the effects of the increase in temperature. 

In those cases where the man has suffered from cryptorchidism or varicocele, the semen may improve, however, it may not become normal again, since there are other factors that are involved, in addition to having produced a increased temperature in the testicles. 

Medical check 

It is recommended in patients with testicular temperature and infertility, to carry out a complete study, this will allow the specialist to: 

  • Manage to treat all those alterations that are correctable.
  • Being able to identify the conditions, this will allow us to offer assisted reproduction techniques with the use of sperm from the same patient.
  • It must be identified where it is impossible to recover viable male gametes in order to offer the appropriate techniques of assisted reproduction with sperm from a donor or adoption. 
  • It is important to recognize those serious diseases that could manifest as infertility in men.

Medical tests 

The specialist can perform tests that are additional to identify the causes of infertility, the tests include: 

  • A scrotal ultrasound, which is a test where high-frequency sound waves are used to produce images of the interior of the body. Through this examination, the specialist will be able to see if there is a varicocele or some other problem in the testicles. 
  • The analyzes of the hormones, when the blood test is carried out, it manages to measure what the level of testosterone is among other hormones.
  • A transrectal ultrasound, this test allows the specialist to review the prostate to see if there is an obstruction in the channels where semen is transported.
  • Genetic tests, when performing a blood test you can see if there is any change in the chromosome, in addition to any sign of genetic abnormality (inherited or congenital syndromes) 
  • After ejaculation a urinalysis, this test indicates if the sperm is released into the bladder instead of coming out of the penis in ejaculation.
  • Analysis to corroborate the seminal function, that is, the survival of the spermatozoa after ejaculation.
  • Testicular biopsy, in this case a sample is taken with a needle from a testicle. 


Among the treatments for infertility in men are: 

  • Surgery, this is used to correct the varicocele or to repair any type of obstruction in the different ducts. 
  • Treatment with antibiotics, in case they develop infections; however, this does not mean that fertility is restored. 
  • Hormonal drugs.
  • Obtain sperm through assisted reproductive technology treatments through normal ejaculation.

Tips to maintain proper testicular temperature

It is important that men who present testicular temperature and infertility have adequate control, which is why the following should be avoided: 

  • Pants that are tight and tight underwear, it is advisable to wear clothes that are much looser.
  • Avoid sitting for many hours at a time. And if necessary, use a gamer cushion like this LINK 
  • It is not recommended to have laptops among other objects that are hot for a long time near the genital area.
  • Sports like long bike rides or spinning classes that are long. In these cases it is important to use a prostate saddle like this LINK


In those cases where the person has pathologies such as cryptochidism or varicocele, it is necessary to carry out an early diagnosis and treatment to reduce the time that the testicles have been subjected to high temperature. Visiting the specialist is the best way to find out if you have testicular temperature and infertility.