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The IVF that will change your life book

It is a self-help guide for those undergoing IVF or IVF treatment. This book describes the most powerful and intense experiences that the author had to face in her own experience through the path of assisted reproduction.

Keep reading and we will tell you everything about this book and its author.

IVF that will change your life

It is a self-help guide for those undergoing IVF or IVF treatment. This book describes the most powerful and intense experiences that the author had to face in her own experience through the path of assisted reproduction.

Lorena Rami, Neuropsychologist and researcher at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, the August Pi y Suñer Biomedical Research Institute (Idibaps), collected all his strategies that allowed him to increase his personal, emotional, and even financial resources.

Talk about it MIDAS method that includes Movement, introspection-meditation, a Healthy Diet, Savings and Restful Sleep. Which gave him the strength he would need to complete the entire treatment. From the heart and in an empathetic tone, the author accompanies the reader through each of the IVF stages, offering resources to face the most complicated stages.

Egg quality

It is not easy at all to face the stimulation treatment, the ovarian puncture, the beta wait and the negative results. Much anxiety appears and the pressure to achieve a pregnancy increases, demanding levels of physical and economic demand unsuspected in a normal situation. That is why this book comes loaded with love and positive energy for those who are in IVF treatment or consider starting one.

Personal preparation is essential in IVF, as it is the only way to maintain strength and reach the end of the road with courage. So reading this book it will prepare you physically, emotionally and psychologically to overcome it. Eating healthy, exercising at home, resting and meditating can be the necessary allies so that the treatments and their effects do not exceed the well-being of the woman.


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