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Types of yoga for fertility

yoga fertility types postures

Typologies of yoga and fertility

La Yoga practice is very beneficial to accompany the body in the search for a pregnancy, as well as for more well-known benefits such as physical fitness, relaxation or toning.

In addition to the benefits that the practice of yoga brings in fertility processes, it is important know the different types of yoga and how they affect and help each of them in a fertility process.


Iyengar yoga and Ashtanga yoga 

They have a similar origin, since the teachers who developed these styles (BKS Iyengar and the late Pattabhi Jois) were disciples of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, so many of the asanas or yoga postures are the same.


Difference in approach between Iyengar yoga and Ashtanga yoga

Iyengar Yoga it is ideal for learning the subtleties of correct alignment. It is very precise and offers a sense of control and security. It is the technical and philosophical basis of yoga and teachers like to insert messages, phrases or ideas on which to reflect during the week. It is supported by the use of accessories that help to carry out the practice correctly: belts, blocks and pillow-shaped reinforcements.

Ashtanga-yoga, meanwhile, is a more vigorous style of yoga. It offers a series of postures that must be maintained for about five breaths, between which a sequence of postures called “Salutation to the Sun”. It is a dynamic and physically demanding yoga. Practitioners seek coordination of the rhythm of breathing and the performance of postures.   


mysore style

Mysore style is one of the more traditional types of Ashtanga yoga. Individual attempts are made to teach this practice, even in a group setting. 

Practitioners show up at any time within a three-hour window to do their own practice as taught by their teacher. 

You work independently, each at your own pace and with your own breath.


Vinyasa Flow

In this style of yoga, highly influenced by Ashtanga Yoga, the postures are linked to each other without stopping, except for some transition posture that is repeated as an intermediate. 

It is a good workout and a great yoga experience, although not the recommended style for beginnersIf you are new to yoga, it is more interesting to take a few classes in a slower and more technical style of yoga, to familiarize yourself with the postures and avoid making mistakes that will be more difficult to change in the future. 

Jivamukthi yoga

It means "liberation while living." It is a Vinyasa-style practice with themed classes, often including chanting, music, and readings of the Yoga Sutra scriptures. 

Jivamukti teachers encourage students to apply yoga philosophy in their daily lives.


Bikram yoga

Bikram yoga is the favorite of all who love to sweat. It was created by the Indian Bikram Choudhury in the early 1970s. He designed a sequence of 26 yoga postures to stretch and strengthen the muscles, as well as to compress and "flush" the body's organs. 

The poses are performed in a heated room to facilitate the release of toxins. Every Bikram class you go to, anywhere in the world, will follow the same sequence of 26 poses.



Kundalini yoga was designed to awaken the vital energy that runs through the spine. Kundalini yoga classes include, in addition to yoga postures, spaces for meditation, breathing techniques (alternate nostril breathing) and chants. 

Their teachers usually dress in white and wear a turban on their heads.


Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga actually just means “physical practice of yoga”, that is, it refers to the asanas.

Hatha yoga commonly refers to a class that is not as dynamic as Vinyasa and bypasses the various yoga traditions to focus on postures that are common to all. It is often a gentle yoga class.


Yin yoga

It comes from the Taoist tradition and focuses on passive, seated postures that target the connective tissues of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine.  The poses are held between 1 and 10 minutes. 

The objective is increase flexibility and encourage a sense of release and relaxation. It's a wonderful way to learn the concepts basics of meditation and calm the mind. As such, it is ideal for athletes who need to relieve tension in joints with excessive workload.


Restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is about healing the body and mind through simple poses, often held for 20 minutes.

Recover from the Iyengar the use of all kinds of accessories –like yogi cushionsto, pillows and yoga straps– to make the practice more pleasant. 

It is similar to yin yoga, but with less emphasis on flexibility and more on relaxation.

But... regardless of the type of yoga that is practiced, it is also important to know which are the postures or asanas that help and promote fertility. 


Yoga postures to promote fertility

Restorative yoga poses combined with deep breathing are a good place to start, as both lead to a place of relaxation. 

Here is a simple practice of 4 postures to get you started.


Head to Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana)

sit on the pad with the legs extended in front of oneself. If you have trouble maintaining the posture, sit on a blanket or a foam pad.

Bend your right leg and place your heel on your perineum. Make sure your chest is directly in front of your right foot. Extend your spine and bend forward on your leg with a straight back. 

Keep your arms straight, as far as you can from the body. And finally, hold the pose while breathing deeply in this position for five breaths. you can use a yoga strap wrapped around the left foot to help bend forward on the leg if you are less flexible.

The posture must be done with each leg. 


Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Sit on your back on the mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mattress. Put your hands on the mat on Both Sides.

Raise your hips and clasp your hands under your buttocks. You can place a foam cue on the coccyx bone to facilitate relaxation. Hold the pose and take a deep breath. To come out of the pose, lift your hips off the cue three times and on the fourth time, remove the cue, dropping your hips toward your feet to rest fully stretched. Repeat a few times.


Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

Extend your legs along the mat. She stretches her arms above her head, toward the ceiling. Pay attention to extending your spine up as you begin a slow, contained movement to bend forward. 

The movement begins in the hips and the back must always be kept straight, even if it is not lowered too much. Anything in between that involves activity is sufficient and effective for a person. Once at the limit of flexion, hold the pose for five deep breaths.


Legs leaning on the wall (Viparita Karani)

Place a cushion, folded blanket, or long pillow a few inches from the wall and parallel to it. Lie down with your lower back on the cushion and place your legs against the wall. There should be no space between the legs and the wall.

Place your arms in a “T” shape on both sides and relax. He holds the position and breathes deeply. Remain in this position for up to 5 minutes. This is a great pose to do at the end of practice or right before bed.

The elevated version is also very complete. It is recommended to link the elbows with a yoga belt so that they do not open excessively and can support the weight of the body well. 


With this post you can already know all the types of yoga that there are for fertility and thus know where to start and what the type of exercise will be like. In addition, with these 5 yoga postures for fertility you can now start practicing and enhancing your fertility and a healthier and more balanced lifestyle from home. Enjoy it!



  • What to Expect Before You're Expecting, 2nd edition, Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel.
  • Light on Yoga: The Bible of Modern Yoga, BKS Iyengar, 1995.