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How to calculate your fertile days

How to calculate the fertile days

Know your menstrual cycle to get pregnant

Calculating the fertile period of a woman is somewhat more complex than it might seem, but there are ways to do it and we are going to give you some ideas and thus enhance sexual relations at that time if you are looking for pregnancy.

A woman's fertile days coincide with the 3 or 5 days before the middle of your cycle. So far, simple. But this is also where the complication lies as there are many women who have the very irregular cycles, for whom it is difficult to identify the days corresponding to the middle of their cycle before it has come to an end.

The menstrual cycle, the key to detect the most fertile days.

Those fertile days are not the same for all women. Some women ovulate on cycle day 14, but that is not always usual or common. That would happen exactly in a 28-day cycle, but many times we can have shorter or longer menstrual cycles, and that is not a problem in fertility in itself, but it is to be able to calculate the fertile days and know in what time do we have ovulation mucus (the egg white one!) and more options to get pregnant.


We are fertile up to five days before ovulation 🌸

I'll explain. First of all, for very regular women, with 28-day cycles, for example, we already know that the fertile days will coincide with the days before day 14. That is, counting as day 1 the first day of menstrual bleedingBetween days 10 and 14 of the cycle is when the woman is fertile.

Biologically, we are fertile because it is the moment in which the egg that has matured the most in one of the ovaries is able to leave its follicle and travel through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. On this path, it can be reached by a sperm and be fertilized. If so, it will finish its journey to the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, and begin its nesting there. And if it has not been fertilized, it will be reabsorbed or eliminated along with the shedding of the endometrium during menstruation.


ovulation duration

Having understood this, we could really say that the ovulation occurs on a single day and it is true. However, the time in which the woman is fertile is lengthened both by the half-life of the ovum and by the half-life of the sperm. The life span of an egg is shorter, between 24 and 48 hours, but the half-life of a sperm is 72 hours. This fact makes it possible for a woman to become pregnant, even if she had sexual intercourse days before her biological ovulation. Hence, between 3 and 5 days are considered fertile in women each cycle, just before biological ovulation.

According to a study carried out for three years on more than 200 women with the intention of becoming pregnant, it was shown that up to five days before ovulation the woman is fertile and that, from the day of biological ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant are already very low. (Wilcox et al., 1995, 2000; Dunson et al., 2001; Bigelow et al..

In the next post we will give you ideas on how to calculate your fertile days either with cervical mucus, changes in the cervix, basal temperature test, knowing yourself and taking into account mood swings and with the famous ovulation tests. Of all of us, we already tell you that the best thing is to know yourself, notice the signs of the body of each woman and, above all, enjoy yourself.

How to detect ovulation? ✨

As you have seen, it is very important to know our cycle and know when we are going to ovulate and that is why I leave you this post that will surely be interesting for you 3 + 1 technologies to detect ovulation

Remember, lifestyle is critical to getting pregnant and having a healthy menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Pregnancy will always be counted from your last period, from your last menstruation.

Relevant data: To calculate your cycle correctly, remember that your menstrual cycle is calculated from the first day of your period, that is your day 1, the day that bleeding begins. If there has been spotting before, that is spotting, it is counted from the first day of bleeding. In our blog you will find many articles that will help you to know your menstrual cycle, your hormonal health and how to calculate ovulation and fertile days. Welcome!

TIPS to buy the best ovulation tests


Track your menstrual cycle

Recording your menstrual cycle is a key process so that you can identify all the moments of your fertility, from noting the characteristics of your period, to feeling and noticing the fertile mucus during the follicular phase until its peak at ovulation, noting the changes that notice during your luteal phase in which progesterone predominates and have controlled your premenstrual syndrome and until the cycle restarts again. Obviously, if you pay attention to your most fertile days and have sexual intercourse during that fertile window, it could be that there is pregnancy and that the luteal phase continues with pregnancy and not with the next cycle from day 1 of menstruation.

Detect your fertile day

I hope that with this post you have seen that it is not as important as knowing the exact fertile day in which you ovulate, but it is more important detect fertile days, which are several in order to have more days to maintain intercourse, not only after 14 days after the period, since the most fertile days are the days before ovulation in order to get pregnant.


Here are two articles that I'm sure you'll find interesting: 

Male fertility: three tips to improve it