Emotions and fertility
When we are looking for pregnancy, and especially if it takes longer than desired, we experience an endless number of emotions and sensations, very different from one another and which usually change depending on the moment of the cycle in which you are.
In this post I want to talk to you about emotions, about recognizing them, accepting them and giving them an outlet so as not to deny any of them, but to live the best you can while the desired positive arrives.
The most recommended path is; RECOGNIZE, FACE AND RETURN
Recognize emotions 🎯
We have to start by recognizing the emotions we are feeling, sometimes we feel anguish, fear or regret and how we avoid it, we do not analyze where it comes from. As a momentary survival method, it is not a bad method, but the search for pregnancy is a long-distance race and we have to identify these fears and anxieties to know them, and why not, confront them.
So, I invite you, when you feel discomfort, to stop for a moment and, being calm, investigate what you think is the source of that discomfort, a comment, a test, that your menstruation has decreased, a discussion... Once you detect the Focus, without stopping feeling, think about why you feel that way and if it makes sense or not. At the same time, try to see if the emotion you feel really fits with that focus that you have detected and accept the emotion you are feeling.
Doing what I'm telling you about seems very obvious and very easy, but it is actually very difficult and this is where emotional education comes from.
At this point, it is key to say that there are no “bad” emotions; they are all emotions in themselves, with better or worse connotations, it is clear!, but that to live, we need them all, and it is not worth running away from those that do not help us. They like them, because the shadow created can be very dark.
Once recognized, we must face them 👈
If you have already focused on that emotion and you know what focus is creating it, you must face it. If the period has come again, we must face how we are going to organize the next cycle, what I will do, what I will improve, how I will face it, etc.
If it is due to a fertility diagnosis that we wish we had not received, what are we going to do, how can we improve it, what next steps are there and how do I feel about them.
And so with all those focuses that are creating conflict for us, brave courage!
Once faced, we redirect 👌
Perfect, now we have the emotions identified and we know where they come from. Brava! At this moment it is time to redirect the situation, so that, without it surely ceasing to exist, it does not stop you, it does not freeze you, you can overcome yourself and move forward.
It is possible that to redirect some of the fertility situations you need professional help, whether from a gynecologist, biologist, nutritionist, psychologist and a long etcetera, don't be shy, if you need it, they are there to help you and shape your project. As things you can already do, you can perform relaxation, breathing and mindfulness techniques aimed at body relaxation and the search for pregnancy.
I know that there are days when all this can seem very obvious and banal and other days impossible and, furthermore, these differences can be closely related if we are in the fertile week, if we are in reproduction treatment, in beta waiting, if we have a negative test or if we have menstruation decreased. Emotions are going to be on the surface and we jump at them. The important thing is to accept what we feel, we are human and looking for a pregnancy is a vital project, have patience and love with yourself and if you need it, do not hesitate for a minute to ask for help.
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