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Fertybiotic Restore

Fertybiotic Restore is a food supplement for men, designed based on probiotics that helps and promotes the mobility of sperm cells.

It is one of the supplements presented by Fertypharm laboratories, a brand recognized for the quality and effectiveness of its products.

Fertybiotic Restore

Fertybiotic Restore is a food supplement for men, designed based on probiotics that helps and promotes the mobility of sperm cells.

It is one of the supplements presented by Fertypharm laboratories, a brand recognized for the quality and effectiveness of its products.

Composition of Fertybiotic Restore

Fertybiotic Restore It has among its main compounds, Selenium, Zinc and Coenzyme Q10. The combination of these three components helps in spermatogenesis, in the quality of the sperm and in the movement of the spermatozoa.

Its antioxidant effect protects the cell membrane and slows down the natural oxidation process. In addition, the product has DHA, which significantly improves sperm number, volume, mobility and morphology in general.

Remember that probiotics are bacteria that, in normal amounts, provide benefits to your body. Then, The Fertybiotic Restore It has in its composition probiotics that protect the semen from attacks by other bacteria.

This probiotic is the already known Lactobacillus, capable of maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the human body, in addition to protecting and preventing urogenital diseases and infections.

So, its effectiveness is given by the amount of probiotics that incorporates in its composition, and the levels of antioxidants and minerals that are necessary for the sperm production process in the reproductive system of man.

Buy Fertybiotic Restore

Fertybiotic Restore It comes in a presentation of 21 capsules, to be taken one per day. This means that the presentation is equivalent to 3 weeks of treatment.

Depending on the complexity of the patient's condition, this product may provide good results after three weeks to 1 month of treatment. However, most treatments take up to 6 months for best results.

All this will depend on the initial evaluation made by the specialist, and his recommendations. We will always be in favor of the supervised consumption of this type of treatment!

This product is totally vegan and gluten free, which makes it suitable for lactose intolerant and for people with celiac disease. In addition, if you accompany its intake with a balanced diet and zero vices, you will have a much higher success rate.

Buy it here:LINK

From this same house you can find the supplement FertyBiotic Man y FertyBiotic Woman Plus

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