The haramaki to accompany fertility

The haramakis: an ideal complement to accompany your fertility

It is very likely that you have never heard of haramakis. For starters, they have a weird name, like…Japanese. 

Yes, it is a word of Japanese origin that refers to a piece of clothing. Let's see exactly what haramakis are, what their benefits are and what they have to do with fertility. 

haramaki fertility

What are haramakis?

Haramakis are garments that have a tubular shape, very similar to girdles - although they do not tighten, they simply wrap. 

The word haramaki is made up of two words, “hara”, which in Japanese means the center, and “maki”, which means to wrap or roll. 

(Yes, if you just thought about the makis that you can find in a restaurant... they have the same etymological origin. They are things that are rolled). 

Therefore, hara+maki means “center wrappers”, or “center wrappers”, or they are even known today by their function: belly warmers

The haramakis and eastern culture

Haramakis are part of traditional Japanese culture, and are also closely related to traditional Chinese medicine, in which the “hara”, the center, is considered to correspond to the first chakra. 

In traditional Chinese medicine, products that provide heat to the abdominal and lumbar area are often used, especially moxa. 

Moxa is a way to warm acupuncture points with the Mugwort plant. It is usually used to treat symptoms of internal cold, poor digestion, cold in the uterus and fatigue or anemia. One of its best-known uses is related to fertility and pregnancy. 

In fact, moxibustion is used to try to turn breech babies. 

In traditional Chinese medicine it is considered that the abdominal and lumbar area should be protected and warm to help the woman's reproductive system have greater vitality. 

It is therefore key in fertility processes and the search for pregnancy. 

LINK: See a Haramaki on Amazon here


The origin of haramakis in Japanese culture

The first known haramakis come from the end of the 19th century, during the First Sino-Japanese War: they were worn by warrior soldiers, also known as samurai. 

Its use also spread among the Samurai during World War II. Warriors used to wear the haramaki to protect themselves from bad weather conditions (they spent many hours outdoors) and even as protection. 

The haramaki in times of war was worn under the armor and allowed warriors to better spend the long nights in the forest.

Usually, the haramakis of the samurai were made by their wife or sister, with many stitches, to obtain a warm and resistant fabric. 

Common uses of haramakis

Haramakis have the ultimate goal of keeping the lower back and abdominal area warm. But for what? What are the benefits of keeping this area warm, and what uses are there for haramaki in modern life? 

Benefits of haramaki in terms of fertility

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, the abdominal and lumbar area is very important to promote good menstruation, and contribute to correct reproductive capacity during childbearing age. In women's health, the use of haramaki in menopause is also known, to ensure that women make this transition in the lightest way possible.

During the search for pregnancy it is also important to keep the uterus warm to promote embryo implantation. 

In painful menstruations, having the lower belly area well covered thanks to the haramaki, and with a pleasant temperature, helps to cope with the discomfort. 

Benefits of haramaki during pregnancy

When the woman is already pregnant, and especially in the first trimester, it is very important to protect the fetus and the entire reproductive system with some heat. It is considered that the uterus must be kept warm to protect the baby. 

Benefits of haramaki on the digestive system

Haramaki also promotes better digestive health, as it makes blood flow better throughout the body and protects the organs of the digestive system. 

Benefits of haramaki for athletes and outdoors

For athletes, or people who spend time outdoors, haramaki can help relieve the feeling of cold and keep the body as warm as possible. 

Furthermore, in the case of lower back discomfort, and people with colds, haramaki helps a lot to improve symptoms and feel better. 

The haramaki, a piece of clothing and a fertility aid

Yes, haramaki is a piece of clothing, and a very practical one at that. It prevents you from getting cold, and protects the most sensitive area from getting cold, the lower back and abdomen. 

But it also has such a protective function for the female reproductive system, and provides warmth that is very important when conceiving and achieving the desired positive result. 

If you want to feel the warmth that a haramaki brings, and get the desired positive also with this small step, Happy Belly (link) has a discount code for all readers of our website, just add the coupon GOFERTIL at the end of the order and will give you a 5% on all the products you buy. Their products are handmade, responsibly produced and made from organic cotton. 

In this post you can find the entire set of discounts that we have achieved for you, on products, vitamins, supplements, fertility thermometers, tests and much more. Link post fertility discounts


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