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Infertility and assisted reproduction: A practical guide to psychological intervention (practical manuals)

This book is a psychological intervention guide for professionals who accompany women or couples in their assisted reproduction process

It also goes into detail on the aspects. legal aspects of assisted reproduction and donation in fertility. In this way, a general framework is offered in which the health professional must work, taking care of the rights of all the parties involved.

Read on to learn more.

The process of opting for assisted reproduction causes these people to need help from different professionals until possible. Not only are doctors, gynecologists, and fertility scientists needed, but also other allies.

But now, psychological assistance is also key in this cause. Professionals are needed who, understanding the processes that parents who accept donations go through, can prepare them to succeed or not in this great feat.

It also goes into detail on the aspects. legal aspects of assisted reproduction and donation in fertility. In this way, a general framework is offered in which the health professional must work, taking care of the rights of all the parties involved.

Therefore, we are going to talk to you about Infertility and assisted reproduction: practical guide to psychological intervention (practical manuals).


Contents of the book “Infertility and assisted reproduction: Practical guide to psychological intervention (Practical manuals)”

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This book on assisted reproduction for professionals is a product of scientific evolution. It has the collaboration of doctors and lawyers, who explain the background to fertility treatments or donations.

It is the way for other related areas such as psychologycan obtain the necessary information to escort patients, from the diagnosis of infertility to the evaluation of your medical alternatives.

The intention is that, through this content, it is possible to understand all the points where the infertile people should reflect, and from there appropriate psychological interpretations can be made. To what end? Intervene, help and assist.

Not only does it explain how to proceed in order to understand the stages each patient must go through, but it also suggests words, questions and phrases that can be of help. 

All this evaluated by science professionals who, within their studies, help other psychologists with cases that are still new in health psychology. Therefore, this information from a technical point of view increases perspective.

Characteristics of the book "Infertility and assisted reproduction: Practical guide to psychological intervention (Practical manuals)"

This book for psychologists on assisted reproduction and fertility methods, was written by Carmen Moreno, professor of Personality Psychology, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments at the UNED. 

With more than 8 years of experience in studies on infertility and its emotional and mental impact, Moreno wrote this soft cover book which today is key to understanding the psychological cycle and the tools to help in each phase.

For the preparation of this psychology book on infertility and being able to have the final result, also collaborated Yolanda Gomez as the specialist lawyer and Francisco J. de Castro as a gynecologist. 

In addition, Alejandro Avila and Rosario Antequera They were a great complement in the psychological area.