Who takes the initiative in sexual relations today?

Who should take the initiative in sexual relations?

This is a great topic, really. In the society we live in we are surrounded by clichés that condition us even in intimate relationships. And when a couple wants to conceive, we don't even talk anymore.

As it is time to tear down arguments and beliefs from past times and enjoy our privacy as each person wants, we are going to talk about it in this article. 

We will see which clichés are false and how to face our changes when it comes to taking the initiative in sexual relationships.

Sexual appetite: is it the same in men and women?

Gone are the times when women were prohibited from talking about their sexuality. There were times when it was scandalous that they even knew how to have sexual relations with their husband.

Nowadays, and luckily, we have normalized it for all people to talk about sex. It is part of the education of young people and is something that is no longer taboo.

That is why it is much more common for women to talk openly about sex. Men already did it, especially to show off “their manliness.” 

The woman has abandoned the submissive role in the bedroom and no one is shocked that she has a sexual appetite. It's natural.

But is it the same in men as in women?

Even comparing people of the same sex we find different levels of desire. Everyone lives eroticism and sex in their own way.

It is also true that, in general terms, there are studies that show that men and women do not show desire in the same way or with the same frequency. It's normal, we are biologically different.

Men tend to feel desire more spontaneously and are usually already motivated before the encounter takes place.

However, in the case of women, desire comes later. Although they have to be predisposed to start the sexual encounter, it is in the preliminaries where they reach the same level of desire as the man.

It is because of this difference that it is associated that in relationships between heterosexual couples it is the man who takes the initiative. However, to taste the colors: there are women who feel, and manifest, that they have as much or more sexual appetite than men.

Eye! That does not mean that there are no exceptions or even that it changes seasonally or at different stages of our lives.


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What factors affect sexual appetite?

Having more or less initiative when taking the first step to have sexual relations with your partner does not only depend on your biological gender.

It doesn't even have to always be the same in a couple, it can alternate naturally and instinctively, depending on many factors.

Let's look at the most common ones:

Circumstances of each one's life

Both members of the couple, although they share a life together, have vital moments in which their body and mind change and evolve. Everything around us affects us in one way or another. In a positive and also a negative way. And sexual appetite can be affected. Nothing that cannot be solved with a large dose of empathy and affection.

The moment in which the couple meets

First encounters are not the same as the stability of a long-lasting relationship. Passion changes with the relationship and desire levels too. Luckily there are many options to avoid boredom and break the monotony. And most importantly, it is no longer taboo to recognize that imagination is used to keep the flame alive.

The temporality

The fact that it is usually the man who takes the initiative in a heterosexual couple does not mean that when that does not happen there is a problem. They are nothing more than streaks. And for the woman to take the first step is perfectly logical and natural. After all, if there is complicity between the two, this should not even be considered.

Hormones and cycles

You will know very well that the hormonal factor also has a strong biological component. Men have very high levels of testosterone in the morning, which is where morning erections come from. And women have a cycle that varies their hormonal levels greatly in a range of about 28 days. But the greatest stimulus to increase sexual appetite occurs in our brain. So it is the best ally for both men and women: imagination is the best ally in bed.

Work, home, children,…

Everything affects your relationship. If you are not feeling well emotionally, your body notices it. And the desire to have or not have sexual relations also, the gender of the person does not matter. The environment affects you and helping your partner forget about it, even if only for a while, is not always an easy task. Nor impossible.

Who should take the initiative in sexual relations?

If you have come this far you will have realized that a lot of iron has to be taken away from the matter.

Although men and women are biologically different, there are many other factors that influence sexual appetite and who makes the first move in encounters. 

Forget about pre-established roles and remember that in the end the only thing that matters is that the experience is pleasant for both of you. Only in this way will you achieve a healthy relationship in which the calling and desire do not disappear in both of you. Mutual support, respect, communication and understanding.

And hey, if you see that you are in a low moment, consult with an expert and maybe it is just a matter of taking a supplement that increases your libido

Apart from going to the specific sexual life section of the website, here I leave you some of the best and most recommended products to increase vigor and sexual activity and of course, the classic kamasutra to give you good ideas.

  sex up solaray vigor

Sex Up by Solaray, natural invigorating

energisil vigor plus

Energisil Vigor Plus, of the best-selling invigorates


classic kamasutra, to give you good ideas

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