We're pregnant. And now that?

We're pregnant. And now that? Women's care during pregnancy

During pregnancy it is very important that a woman takes care of herself and, above all, pampers herself (a lot). Surely you will receive thousands of tips about the care during pregnancy, what you should do and what you shouldn't.

However, there are some pregnancies that can lead to special problems and some women can also suffer from some problems. Therefore, you should always be in direct contact with your doctor or midwife and have regular check-ups to check your condition and that of your baby.

Next, we will tell you everything you need to handle your pregnancy in the best possible way, the care you need and what to avoid, so that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

What do you need to have a good pregnancy?

The decision to get pregnant as a couple - or as a single parent - is one of the most important ones you will make. Therefore, it is key that you both take special care of your physical well-being. It is essential that you are physically healthy, but you also have to be mentally calm, prepared and, above all, happy.

Optimal emotional health

Emotional and mental health is one of the keys during pregnancy. Avoid shocks and situations that may make you nervous. Use relaxation and meditation techniques to help you feel better.

Regular checkups

Visit the gynecologist regularly for adequate prenatal follow-up. Within the care of pregnant women, you must take into account the baby's health status, always having the possibility of consulting the specialist with any questions you may have.


During pregnancy, you will have to eat for two: for you and for your baby. This is not the time to skimp on food, but you should have control over it and know which foods are good and which are harmful.

Healthy and balanced diet

Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, such as folic acid, iron, calcium or iodine. 

The diet must be as varied as possible: cereals, legumes, dairy products, fruits or vegetables, without forgetting meat and fish. In addition, you should try to eat avoiding ultra-processed foods and excess fat. The diet tips that helped you improve your fertility and get pregnant will also help you now. 

Complements and supplements

To complete this healthy and balanced diet, you should add vitamin complexes such as folic acid along with other supplements rich in minerals that help the baby's proper development, avoiding weight deficiencies or the much-feared spina bifida.


Remember that you can also take infusions specifically made to relieve the discomfort of the first trimester.


A healthy diet will always include good hydration. Drinking plenty of water to facilitate good hydration is essential for both you and the baby. It is always important to maintain good hydration, but if your pregnancy is in summer, you will notice the need to hydrate even more: the heat, and the “extra load” that pregnancy places on your body, can take their toll on you. Remember that to hydrate yourself, the best option will always be water. Avoid sugary drinks. 

do exercise

Exercising will bring you many benefits: emotionally, it will help you stay calm; and physically, it will help the pregnancy weight to increase regularly and without large weight gains. You can do sports, always making sure it is suitable, or, at least, that the trainer adapts it: yoga, swimming, walking or Pilates can be good options. 


Correct rest

Resting and, above all, sleeping as much as your body asks of you is a fundamental requirement for good health. At the beginning of pregnancy you may want to sleep at all hours, it is normal. The second trimester you will feel a lot of energy... Take advantage of it, because in the final stretch, you may feel more tired than usual and feel - again - the need to sleep a lot. Listen to your body and offer it what it asks of you.

What to avoid during pregnancy?

During these special months, you will notice some changes in you, your body and your mentality that will modify your routine. Adapt, your body is preparing to ensure good health for you and your baby.


It is good that you also know what to avoid now that you are already pregnant.

Clean your cats' litter box

There is a disease called Toxoplasmosis., caused by the parasite Toxoplasma Gondii, which can cause complications during pregnancy and can even lead to abortion. 

Cats are carriers of this parasite, which resides in their feces. Therefore, it is recommended that the cleaning task be done by someone else.

Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs

It is no secret that these substances can cause serious problems for the baby during pregnancy, causing malformations, addiction syndrome or premature death. If you used them before pregnancy, you should stop now.

Some harmful foods

There are a series of foods that are bad for pregnant women. In this case, you should avoid eating raw meat or fish, pâtés or spreads derived from meat and some delicatessen products, such as serrano ham. If you find it difficult, you can freeze these sausages and consume them after having spent a few days in the freezer.

Certain medications

During pregnancy you have to be especially careful with medications that you take, especially with those that do not need a prescription to purchase them, since some may have contraindications for pregnant women. The best thing in these cases is to consult with your doctor.

X-rays during pregnancy

It is not recommended that pregnant women have x-rays and less that they are in contact with radiation. There are studies that show that to affect the fetus, there must be very strong radiation or the x-ray must be taken directly over the uterus. In any case, such exposure is not recommended to avoid greater harm.

Excess caffeine

Within the care during pregnancy, It is advisable to avoid excess coffee or drinks with a high caffeine content., such as mate. It is recommended that the amount of coffee you can drink per day is 300 milligrams, the equivalent of about 3 cups of coffee. If you are one of those people who love good coffee, you are going to have to reduce your consumption a little.

Following these tips to the letter can save you unnecessary problems during your pregnancy. You just have to take certain aspects into account in your daily life to avoid complications with your pregnancy and the health of your baby.

Tell us: how are you handling your pregnancy?

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