Does orgasm help get pregnant?

female fertility orgasm

Can orgasm help you get pregnant? This is a very common question but one that almost no one ends up asking gynecologists. Probably because of all the taboo that exists around female sexuality, and orgasm in general. It seems like it's acceptable to ask about specific fertility topics, but not so much about... Read more

The karyotype and its importance at the reproductive level

karyotype genetic fertility

The karyotype is an image that shows the chromosomes of a cell in a certain order and classified according to their size, shape and banding pattern, which are regions of DNA with different physical and chemical properties. Karyotyping is used to identify chromosomal abnormalities, such as the presence of an abnormal number of... Read more

¿Ciclos cortos? ¿Problemas de fertilidad? ¡Quizá falle tu fase lútea!

progesterona fase lueta

La hormona progesterona, segregada principalmente en la fase lútea del ciclo menstrual, es fundamental para permitir la fertilidad. Su ausencia causas ciclos cortos, manchado entre ciclos, infertilidad e incluso abortos de repetición. La producción de progesterona puede estar condicionada por varias razones. Veamos cómo funciona. Y si te sientes reconocida en algunos de sus síntomas qué podrías hacer. ¿Qué … Read more

Anal sex and pregnancy: Myths and realities

anal sex and pregnancy

Anal sex is a sexual practice that has been surrounded by myths and taboos throughout history. One of the most common myths is the relationship between anal sex and pregnancy. In this article, we will explore the veracity of this myth, as well as the risks and precautions to be taken… Read more
