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😱 INCREDIBLE. We know➕ about contraception than about fertility.

we know more about contraception than about fertility

We are the first generation to know more about contraception than fertility 

If you think about it right now, society, and especially young people, know more about contraception than about fertility.

As a society, we have made great progress in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. The different contraceptive methods and how they protect the individual is something known to almost everyone. 

Barriers have also been broken in terms of talking about it naturally. Parents, guardians and educators speak without taboos with the youngest about it. So that they have the necessary information so as not to put their health at risk.

However, the topic of fertility (or rather, infertility) is still a topic that is avoided in most situations. Not to bother or because it is a matter that causes sadness and frustration. 

Attention, spoilerIf you are looking for a plea against contraception, you will not find it. At Tienda Fertility we believe that each person has unique circumstances and needs. And that solutions must be given to all, with the utmost respect for individuality.

What we are going to try is to give relevance to something important: that it is also necessary to give visibility to issues related to infertility. Fundamentally in order to avoid frustrations, embarrassment or misunderstanding.

We are going to treat this subject in depth.


Why is there more talk of contraception than fertility?

It has always been said that prevention is better than cure. For this reason, in recent decades a great effort has been made to promote information regarding contraceptive methods.

From the first years of puberty, young people are provided with information to use condoms as protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Also as a contraceptive.

In addition, most women of childbearing age and without a stable partner decide to take birth control pills, use IUDs, patches, vaginal rings, etc.

Increasingly, men are also turning to hormonal treatments, such as the male contraceptive pill, gels or, more definitively, vasectomy.

So the issue of prevention is very controlled. 

However, When the time comes to have children, it is still assumed that you just have to let nature take its course.

Isn't it necessary to know how to help the body so that it is in optimal conditions to conceive?

In fact, after years of using hormonal contraceptives, it will surely take time for your body to eliminate all its trace.

The age of search for the first pregnancy of women is increasingly delayed. And this also makes the chances of success lower.

So when pregnancy does not come after months of trying, frustrations, doubts, insecurities, etc. appear. 

And as it is not something "normal", it is not commented. As if seeking help from fertility specialists is something to be ashamed of.

We speak naturally about pregnancies, but not about attempts ...


How does taking contraceptives affect fertility?

We have already mentioned that taking contraceptives seems to us the best way to control family planning. Each person has a different biological clock, and their degree of emotional maturity also influences.

But we must not fall into the trap of false myths. There is no scientific evidence that hormonal contraceptives have any relationship to fertility problems.

Whether a woman is more or less able to get pregnant does not depend on whether she has taken contraceptives for years.

In fact, there are women who become pregnant as soon as they stop taking the pill.

They do affect another series of factors such as age, genetics, diet, stress, bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), and a long etcetera.

For this reason, when there is the slightest doubt that there could be difficulties in getting a pregnancy, it is best to go to a fertility specialist with the ability to assess the patient both physically and mentally.


How to deal with fertility problems?

When something worries you, it is best to share it with someone. Talk it over.

The fact of not being able to count our problems, of whatever nature, does not benefit our health.

Fear, stress, frustration, fears, shame are feelings that affect our mood and also generate muscle tension. If our body is not well, how is it going to function normally?

In the event that you need medical help, what's wrong with it? Don't we go to the doctor when we have a cold? Is not the same?

We must be able to break the taboo: infertility is not a cause for shame.

Gone are the times when the virility of men was questioned or that of "not being a complete woman" if they did not have children.

So the best advice we can give you is: keep calm and treat it naturally.

Seek professional help and assess your options, which are many. 

How to overcome emotional shock when pregnancy does not come

We all know that despite advances in medicine, that much desired pregnancy is not always achieved.

It is in those hard times that emotional education is most lacking. Nobody prepares us for that moment of acceptance of such a harsh reality.

If talking openly about fertility problems is still a barrier, not getting it despite having undergone medical treatments is much more difficult.

This is certainly bad news. And like any other disappointment in life, assimilation requires help. In many cases of psychologists.

It is not a topic that is still talked about naturally. 

Although the trend, in a hyper-connected world and with information available from any mobile phone, is that these barriers are disappearing.

So it's not difficult to get information, meet support groups, and seek help online.

However, it is not the solution. You need personalized attention from a professional. 

If you are going to go to a fertility center, do not forget to ask if they have psychologists who accompany you throughout the process. 

It will help you during the process to channel that cocktail of feelings that you are going to go through. It will also help you avoid throwing in the towel halfway through or coping with sadness if at any point medical evidence advises not to keep trying.

If you want to know what other factors to take into account when choosing an assisted reproduction clinic, take a look at this other article. How to choose the best assisted reproduction clinic

I also link here this article that I find very interesting in which you will find a list of lirbs on fertility, either to understand it, to feed ourselves in favor of fertility or to know stories of couples and women who have gone through all this before that we: 📚 The best books to learn about fertility and pregnancy