When and how to take a pregnancy test and what type

Do the pregnancy test so that it is reliable, when and how? urine or blood? morning or afternoon? Get rid of doubts

In this post we tell you when you should take the pregnancy test so that the result is reliable, whether positive or negative.

First of all, I want to tell you exactly what the home pregnancy test evaluates so that you understand the importance of performing the pregnancy test at that specific time.

The pregnancy hormone begins to be produced after contact with the embryo with the wall of the mother's uterus, the endometrium. This contact produces the hormone called beta hcg that only women produce when we are pregnant.

This pregnancy hormone will increase its level in the body at the rate of doubling every 48 hours, therefore, if we do not do the pregnancy test at the correct time of the cycle or day, We can have a negative and two days later it is positive.

Let's clarify one thing, if we do the pregnancy test right after conception, it cannot give us a positive result because it is still too early, we have to wait a few days, even if it means doing the test before waiting for menstruation or adapting the pregnancy test ultra-early or in blood. At the end of the post I give you a summary table with everything you have to take into account before purchasing your test. I tell you….

At what time of the cycle to take the pregnancy test

Thus, the closer we get to the time of the period or menstruation, the higher the level of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone will be and therefore the easier it will be to detect that positive.

However, if you are pregnant and you do the early detection type test, you can even know if you are pregnant 6 days before your missed period. If you get a negative result 6 days before your period, don't worry, it may be too soon and it's better to wait a couple of days to repeat the pregnancy test.

If you are already waiting for your period and it does not arrive or you are late, you can now take the test without waiting any longer.

In summary;

  • Test before menstruation: It must be highly sensitive. Like this LINK
  • Test when there is already a fault: It can be a generic test like this LINK

At what time of day to take the pregnancy test, when to take the test?

The pregnancy hormone will be found in the blood and from this it will pass into the urine. If we haven't urinated in hours, the hCG hormone will be in a higher concentration than if I am at another time of day or we have just had a lot to drink.

So, if you are still waiting for menstruation and conception has recently occurred, it is better to do the test with the first urine of the day. This way, if there is hCG hormone, the pregnancy test is more likely to detect it.

If you are already late, you can take the pregnancy test at any time of the day, meaning when to take the pregnancy test would not be an important factor in your case.

In summary, what time of day to take the test if:

  • If you still have no delay: So it is better to do the test with the first urine of the day to have a reliable result. If it is negative, repeat the test the next morning.
  • If you are already a day late: You can take the test any time of the day. In this case the presence of the hormone is greater. Also, if you are pregnant you can get the test that tells you how many weeks you are that detects and defines it based on the levels of the pregnancy hormone.

What type of pregnancy test

To be able to detect pregnancy from home we have homemade pregnancy tests. These can be done from home since they are easy to use and interpret and in 5 minutes at most we already know if there is a pregnancy or not.

These pregnancy tests are normally performed on urine, but recently we can also analyze blood from home. Before, blood analysis was reserved for clinics and hospitals and thanks to technology we now also have blood pregnancy tests to do from home.

In short, you can test if you are pregnant from home with these types of pregnancy tests:

  • In blood: if you want to know very soon and at any time of the day. In this case, since it is in blood you do not have to wait until it is in the morning and have concentrated urine. You can do it long before there is a delay and shortly after conception. Here is the link to the ultra-early pregnancy tests at home. LINK
  • In urine: As we have said in this case there are many types and sensitivities. Before buying the pregnancy test, stop and think about when you are going to want to do it, if you are already late or not and also if you will need several. This way you add them to the cart with a sense and have a reliable result. I'll give you a list of the types there are so you know how and when to do it.

Before buying the pregnancy test

Remember, ask yourself How many pregnancy tests do I need? There are women who also prefer to have several so they can perform the test for several days and if there is a positive result, they also continue performing the pregnancy tests to have proof that it is there until they can reach 6 or more weeks and be able to do an ultrasound.

Do you want to read about false negatives and possible false positives? Well, you can read this other post in which I tell you when and how this can happen. strange situation of having false results.

Aside from the tests, keep in mind that a good way to know where we are is to notice the symptoms and health changes. In this other post I talk to you about the differences between pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome so that you can know the changes that are normal and those that are related to the positive.

In summary

  Before the absence When there is already a lack
Cycle timing High sensitivity LINK LINK generic pregnancy test
Time of day First urine of the day

Option 1

Option 2

Any time of day


Type of home test In blood since LINK house

in urine

in urine
General Tips – Think if you are going to need more than one unit before buying

– Read the instructions of each manufacturer

– Read information about false positive and false negative.

– If in doubt, consult with a health professional


