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Recommendations during the Betawait? 8 tips 🔝

advice during beta waiting embryo transfer

What do we recommend you do during the Betawait?

From the moment we have undergone an assisted reproduction treatment such as insemination or embryo transfer until we can take the pregnancy test and know if the result is positive, several days and several nights pass, which can be very long.

First of all, let's define what is betawait in each type of assisted reproduction treatment:

  • Betawaits after artificial insemination. We do not know if an embryo has been produced and if it has reached a blastocyst or not. In any case, insemination will have the longest beta wait, since the entire fertilization process has to happen inside our body. This beta wait is usually about 14 or 15 days.
  • In vitro fertilization and beta hcg test. In ovarian stimulation treatments, beta waiting will not begin until there is a transfer of the resulting embryo or embryos.
  • Embryo transfer day 2 or day 3 and pregnancy test of development, in this case from the time the transfer is made to the pregnancy test, about 10-12 days usually pass, either in blood tests or in urine pregnancy tests.
  • Transfer of a blastocyst and pregnancy test. In this case we are in the assisted reproduction technique with the shortest beta wait since the embryos have reached day 5 or 6 of development and this means that we can detect the beta hcg hormone (pregnancy test) in just 10 days after the transfer.

As you see, not all beta waits are the same, and not all women are the same. What we do advise you is that if you are going for an embryo transfer, you go with a comfortable method of transportation that allows you to return home relaxed so that you can be calm and, overall, enjoy this moment.

Here we are going to provide you with a Tips Guide for your Betaespera, a support these days to know what we can do these days before the pregnancy test and know if the cycle is positive or not. That is why we bring you this post with 8 tips to better cope with beta-waiting.

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8 very important tips!

TIP 1 Betaespera Care

watch over you: Treat yourself to things you like to do, a whim, a purchase, a little more time for yourself, time to rest... Keep in mind that you are on the verge of a substantial life change. And it's okay to have a moment to think about it. Without fear! Even knowing that anything can still happen... but it is worth having that time for yourself. It is also super important to take care of your diet and if you like to snack, make sure it is healthy foods such as nuts.

TIP 2 Betaespera The illusion

Get excited: A waiting beta is the start of a project that you have been working on for a long time. Allow yourself the luxury of imagining, of getting excited... Share it with whoever you want and try to add a sense of humor to the situation. Unfortunately, if in the end the implantation is not completed, the disappointment will still come and we will have to try to grieve in the best possible way. But, don't let anyone spoil those 10 days of excitement for you!

TIP 3 Betawait. Physical activity

There is no evidence that women who are bedridden or have not worked have better implantation rates than women who continue with their lives normally. You can work, you can walk, travel by plane, take any means of transportation and you can lead a normal life. But we do recommend that you be cautious with the physical load (without great effort or high physical activity) and emotional load that you subject yourself to and, especially, with lifting weights since a lot of force is exerted on the muscles of the lower abdomen. In this sense, there would be no contraindication to having sexual relations but many couples prefer to abstain from sex on those days, especially if we come from in vitro fertilization and the ovaries may be resentful.

TIP 4 Betawait. The mind

It's a good time to take a trip, take a course or workshop, go visit some friends you haven't seen in a while, go to the movies or start a novel that you haven't had time to read in a while... Keeping the mind occupied almost involuntarily It is very interesting right now and takes your mind off the moment of taking the pregnancy test.

Ultrasound 6 weeks gestation

TIP 5 Betaespera Relaxation

Different Meditation Techniques can help you: active, passive, guided, group meditation... Although, like everything, for these techniques to be truly effective we should learn them in moments of low stress to put them into practice with knowledge in moments of greater stress. Trying to learn medication under stress is especially difficult. But it's never too late to start. And you will always have a way to go for the next situations you have to experience. We recommend you start with some type of guide: in person, auditory, etc.

TIP 6 and 7 in Betaespera to Distract Yourself

The Manual Work They are especially interesting for developing what is known as active medication: from painting to sewing, cooking, drawing, working with clay, wood, the garden, orchards... All kinds of manual activities that you like to do will keep your mind at bay. without realizing it!

The Breathing Techniques Yes, they are more effective even if it is the first time you practice them. From here we recommend them, although we believe that you should have some type of guide that illustrates the different techniques. Within Kundalini yoga you can also find many types of breathing. A good teacher can recommend the most appropriate one for this situation.

TIP 8 Betaespera The natural

And last but not least, if you cannot achieve the peace you need on your own, we highly recommend treatments with Acupuncture to reduce anxiety. The treatment must be carried out by a professional who is informed of your potential pregnancy status so that he or she takes it into account when choosing your treatment.

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