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TIPS to buy the best ovulation tests

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Buying an ovulation test is not so easy if you want to do it right

Read this before buying the ovulation tests. You are interested!

First I will talk to you about how ovulation tests work, how many you should buy (with one you won't go very far...) and then I will give you three proposals and my personal recommendation to know when you ovulate.

You are trying to get pregnant or you want to have more control of your menstrual cycle and you are about to buy ovulation tests, but beware! Not all products have the same sensitivity, nor should they be done at the same time of day and others will not predict the most fertile days giving false negatives.

We tell you everything about how they work and how to choose the best ones and you yourself choose the test that goes best with you and make a safe purchase. The goal is for the tests to be reliable, comfortable to wear and that they mark very clearly your fertile days to have intercourse and get pregnant.


First of all, how do ovulation tests work?

When we are going to ovulate, our brain sends information to the ovaries to release the oocyte that has been growing inside our ovary (left or right), in a structure called a follicle. This will have grown to be more than 20 mm and the brain will order that it is time to free itself and for the fallopian tube to pick it up.

This structure where the oocyte was, is going to transform into the corpus luteum, this structure is the one that is going to provide progesterone to our body and will favor that the endometrium does not detach and our period comes, in this way we give it a precious days so that if there has been an embryo, it will be implanted.

So, the interesting thing is to intercept the message from the brain, right?

Well, exactly what ovulation tests do is detect the message that the brain has sent to our ovaries.

And what is the message?

So the message is luteinizing hormone lh , (also abbreviated as LH), which will increase and peak just before ovulation, making it more likely to become pregnant just before the egg is released.


Detect the hormone LH

that is the key point, we need to detect this hormone to know that we are about to ovulate and we are in the most fertile time of our cycle. Please note that we are also fertile days before ovulation and that it is ideal to have sex before the ovulation test gives us a positive result or our body temperature rises if you also measure this parameter of menstrual cycles.


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What ovulation test to buy?

Now that you know that what the ovulation tests are looking for is to detect the increase in the hormone to have more options to get pregnant that cycle, what are our objectives going to be? Well, clearly two.

The first is that the ovulation tests you buy are the as sensitive as possible, that is, if you have low levels of the lh hormone at your peak, when the hormone increases, you can clearly detect it in contact with urine. This is especially important under two assumptions, when the simpler ones have not worked for you, you should buy a more powerful test. And another time will be when your cycles are very irregular, since you don't want ovulation to be overlooked precisely when you don't have your very clear cycle, that is, it is not the typical 28-day cycle for many women, ovulation on 12-13 or day 14.

The other essential point that the ovulation test must meet is that it be very easy interpretation, that is, the results are very clear. At this point there are two options, either a digital test that tells you on a screen if you are in a fertile moment or not. Or the ovulation tests that mark you with two lines if you are about to ovulate and with a line if the hormone has not been detected and therefore there is still no signal of the hormone lh and therefore, low or less possibility of pregnancy .


How many ovulation tests to buy?

Another essential point to keep in mind when you want to buy ovulation tests is that you have to know that with one or two units it is very likely that you will not go very far. You need to do the test several days, ideally in the morning with the first pee of the day so that the hormone is concentrated in the urine (unless the manufacturer indicates another time). Therefore, it is important that you have several test units of ovulation for each menstrual cycle and thus increase the chances of detecting the moment.

Depending on how many units you buy, whether the ovulation test is better or less sensitive, the price will be very different between products. Also if you order shipments from outside Spain or other countries or if it is an urgent shipment. Keep in mind that you're also going to want discreet shipping 😉


So what are the best ovulation tests to buy?

I'll give you a ranking of 3 products with different prices, different sensitivities to lh, all with fast shipping, with good opinions and from different brands. Also, depending on the website, you may find volume discounts on large orders.


Digital and ultra sensitive

Without a doubt, in this case we are talking about the clearblue digital ovulation test to detect the luteinizing hormone lh. This is a very good brand and it shows in the price of the item. If you want the best and most accurate test or the previous ones have not detected your ovulation hormone concentration, this is a very good option. This may also be found in the usual stock of pharmaciesas, and if not, you can add it to the cart, since it has a very short delivery time when you buy it online.

If you buy this ovulation test, keep in mind that, being the most technological, it will be noticeable in the price, and quite a lot. Consider buying this test and if you need it, you will be acquiring a very good product since the clearblue house has very good products for fertility, although it is noticeable in the price. If you want to start with the best on the market or the previous tests have not worked for you when doing the test without giving you a positive result, this is a very good option.

clear blue digital ovulation This is the ovulation test that when it is positive, a smiling face appears


Ovulation test: Ultrasensitive with scratch reading

This is a very good option because of its price and because you can get a discount for purchase volume. Now, if you try them and it is difficult for you to aim to have contact with the urine, consider also adding some urine collection cups like these to your shopping cart: LINK since wetting only up to the line where it says "max" is usually very difficult.

In my opinion these tests are going to be a very good option for your pocket and if your cycles are regular. If you can afford the higher price or need more sensitivity, go for a more sensitive brand like clearblue.

In addition, these brands usually have a description in several languages, not only in Spanish since they have an online delivery all over the world. This is the typical one that is done with the first urine of the morning for both women with regular and irregular cycles.

test strips pregnancy

The pack with everything, ovulation test and pregnancy test. 

A very good option is to buy a pack with an ovulation test and a pregnancy test, so you already have everything and you can have super control of your menstrual cycle. If you opt for a combination of these, of course it will be convenient for you to get some urine collection cups, because they are not the typical tests with a practical sleeve to do the test while you pee and that way you also already have the pregnancy test. Of combos there can be many brands and of course they have a competitive price

Link Ultrasensitive ovulation and pregnancy test pack


Not everything is ovulation tests

Keep in mind that the entire cycle counts, not only when we have the positive ovulation test, that we have to enhance the experiences and sexual encounters throughout the cycle and that before the positive ovulation test is also a very fertile moment ideal for sexual intercourse, as you prepare to release the egg and the sperm can wait inside you and there are chances of pregnancy.

In addition, there are many other methods to know when you ovulate and have control of your menstrual cycle such as the control of the basal temperature or the registry of the fertile cervical mucus of the woman. Not only is buying the test and detecting the most fertile days thanks to the increase in luteinizing hormone, and timing intercourse accurately, but you can learn a lot about your menstrual cycle and enjoy the search for pregnancy.

Mi personal recommendation as a fertility specialist is that you do not stick with a single method, but if you can, combine two, either for example, temperature and ovulation strips, or cervical mucus plus body sensations, or ovulation strips and cervical mucus, gynecological ultrasound plus ovulation test, etc… In this way, you will always have double information about your body and you will learn about your menstrual cycle and you are more likely to get pregnant.

What happens if the ovulation tests do not arrive on time and I think I have ovulated?

Ovulation tests are helpful, they will not change your cycle, that is, they are a test that we must use as a tool, but they will not change your cycle as a woman. If the shipment arrives late according to your cycle or if when you do the test it already comes out negative and the days have passed, don't worry, wait to find out how the cycle went, if it was positive or not. And if it hasn't been, you already have the precision tests purchased for the following month and you already know how the lines work and you have them at home with all the information.


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