How to choose the best assisted reproduction clinic

When the time comes, if you need help conceiving, you will have to choose an assisted reproduction clinic.

These centers help couples with fertility problems, whether they are heterosexual couples, single women or lesbian couples.

Normally these are processes that are quite prolonged in time. They can last for years. So choosing the center for fertility treatment must be a comfortable place that gives you confidence, has personal treatment, etc.

In this articles we will see what factors you should take into account before making the decision. We will help you find the center that suits you.

The reproduction center: its facilities 

If you are in a big city you will have a wide range to choose from. You can visit several to find out what they are like, what equipment they have, specialists, etc. 

However, if you live in other smaller places, the offer may be smaller.

Note that You are going to have to make quite a few visits and perhaps for many months, so the location is important.

On the other hand, although in Spain the majority of assisted reproduction centers are of very high quality, it never hurts to check if they have any official certificate or seals from external audits.

Furthermore, when you make your first visit to see the clinic, it is important that you ask some questions that, above all, will affect the “comfort” for you.  

What should you ask to choose an assisted reproduction center? 

In addition to the location and facilities, it is interesting that you ask the center about some factors such as: 

  • If all the tests will be performed at the center, 
  • if they have own laboratory where to do the fertilization in glasseither, 
  • If they offer an operating room, 
  • the specific schedules patient care, 
  • emergency care... 

Something that not many people know is that There are centers that do not have the capacity to offer all types of treatments. Artificial insemination is not the same as fertilization in vitro or if you also need a sperm or egg donor. 

Our recommendation is that you visit the ones closest to your home or your workplace. And make a list of what each one has. You know, pros and cons.

Assisted reproduction clinic staff

As we have already mentioned, in an assisted reproduction process a multitude of tests are performed, the evaluation of different specialists is needed and you will have to visit frequently.

So the staff will also be part of your life at that time.

Find out if the clinic has specialist doctors

If the center has specialist doctors, it will be more convenient for you than if you have to go to other consultations. We are referring to urologists, gynecologists specializing in assisted reproduction, anesthetists, embryologists, laboratory technicians, etc.

Does the center have complementary fertility therapies?

But not only the number and specialization of doctors is important. Currently there are fertility centers that, in addition to treating the medical aspect of reproduction, contemplate treatments with alternative therapies to also take care of the emotional aspect.

Although these complementary therapies can never replace medical treatment, they are very beneficial. They help make the process less stressful, thereby increasing the chances of success.

We are referring to the clinic having psychologists, nutritionists, acupuncturists, etc...

Feeling calm and relaxed is essential for the treatment to work better.

Which brings us to the relationship with the staff: on the first visit, to request a quote and get to know the center, you will detect if you feel comfortable, if there is an empathetic connection or if they make you feel calm. 

Therefore, it is highly recommended that if you have a partner, you both go to visit the center before choosing. The feelings that are generated are going to be an important part when making the decision to choose the assisted reproduction clinic.

In the end, what we are all looking for is a close treatment, for our doubts to be resolved, for things to be explained to us so we can understand them and feel confident that you are in the best hands.

Budget and payment facilities to choose the assisted reproduction clinic

The economic issue is one of the concerns of those who have to resort to assisted reproduction.

So obviously, at each center you visit they will give you a no-obligation quote.

When making comparisons, consider whether they have included the same treatments. For example, fertilization is not the same in vitro with egg donors, than artificial insemination without donation.

Make sure they are able to offer different types of treatments. Perhaps at first everything indicates that you will only need insemination and in the end you will have to resort to a in vitro.

Also, ask for the cost of medication. It will not be included in the budget, but they will know how to give you an approximate figure that you have to take into account.

In almost all assisted reproduction clinics they will provide you with financing. As these are expensive treatments, they have entities that provide patients with loans at a very low interest rate. 

You will also be interested in knowing if the financing includes alternative therapy services, if they have them.

In any case, this is the least determining factor when choosing. 

The differences shouldn't be very big so It is more important that you choose a nearby place, with a team that makes you feel safe and that takes care of your mental and physical well-being.

As you see, there is no “best clinic” for assisted reproduction, but there is “best clinic for you”. 

The sensation it transmits to you is essential. 

You will have to face many tests: ultrasounds, blood tests, seminograms, follow-up visits, appointments for embryo implantation, etc. So make sure there will be a specialist to accompany you, answer your questions and help you along the way.

It can be a long process, so don't neglect your well-being. The physical and mental. 

If you are tense or nervous, your body knows it. That is why you should consider that the fertility center provides you with access to complementary therapies. Everything in one place, and supervised by your doctor.

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