Daysy my fertility monitor

My experience and opinion with Daysy

First of all, I will tell you what Daysy is, how it is used and I will explain how I have used it, the results it has given me, its effectiveness, recommendations, as well as my personal opinion about the fertility monitor and the Daysy app.

Daysy is a cycle computer, that is, a fertility monitor that is based on your basal temperature, your lowest body temperature of the day. This way, you can get information about your fertility, about hormones, knowing if you are ovulating, if there may be pregnancy or if you are close to menstruation only with a small device that captures the temperature of your mouth when you get up and thanks to the algorithm and a color code it quickly tells you the phase of your cycle.

As we have already commented in some posts, when there is ovulation, the follicle where the egg was opens by ovulating and that structure becomes the Corpus luteum.

The corpus luteum, at the same time, is a powerful producer of progesterone hormone, which keeps the endometrium in place in case of pregnancy. When this progesterone is exhausted, if there has been no pregnancy, we get our period.

So far perfect.


But what exactly does Daysy measure?

This increase in progesterone produced by the corpus luteum causes an increase in body temperature physiologically, that is, naturally. Therefore, by measuring body temperature, we can know whether or not we have high levels of progesterone and therefore, whether we have ovulated. And this is what I love about Daysy. It gives you precise information about your cycle from a simple but technologically advanced product and without any side effects of any kind.

It is important that you know that this basal temperature must be measure just when you wake up, still in bed, because in this way the temperature reading is the most reliable possible. I have Daysy on my nightstand.

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The 4 big differences between a normal thermometer and Daysy fertility monitor

  1. Daysy gives you the temperature to two decimal places. This point is very important since we want to detect the slightest difference in order to have a perfect graph of our cycle and not have any doubts. Home thermometers to measure fever would not be a good option…
  2. It already creates the graph for you. With “normal” thermometers you would have to write down the data day by day on a graph and make the monitoring curve. Daysy, being a computer cycle, already generates it automatically and marks with colors the most fertile days of the cycle as well as how to clearly see the days of your period and the duration of the entire cycle.
  3. It is interactive, that is, you tell Daysy at what point in the cycle you are, You give it information about you and Daysy learns from your cycle. Plus, at any time of the day, you can press the Daysy button and Thanks to its colored lights you can know if you are on more fertile days or not thanks to its algorithm. Fast, easy and intuitive.
  4. It has an application. I love that just with the device you can already have an interaction with Daysy and all the information about your cycle, as well as whether you are in a more fertile moment or not. But, in addition, if you want, you can download the application, which is free, and link your Daysy with the app via Bluetooth. Thus, you can see the graph and the exact data. It is one of the functions that I liked the most and that seems to me to be a simple method of controlling the hormonal cycle and where your body is at.

Daysy operation

You have to be clear that initially you will have to tell your Daysy fertility monitor at what point in your female cycle you are. Once you have read the instructions, you will see that Daysy will communicate with you with a color code. Among them, you will see that green indicates that you are in the most infertile days of the cycle and when it turns red you are approaching your fertile window and there may be a greater chance of pregnancy.

All this information is based on basal temperature detection technology, scientific methods widely used for decades and with several studies to study women's cycles.

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Things that can go wrong with Daysy

Everything has to be told, the good and the bad of all the products and their learning phases, especially if they have to do with hormones and fertility.

What really What can go wrong with Daysy is if you don't record the temperature every day or don't do it right when you get up. Daysy asks for 30 seconds of your day to give you a ton of information about your cycle, but if you don't give it these 30 seconds a day, or it's not at the right time (just woken up), your graphs won't make any sense. If you want to have product reliability and not have any problems with the algorithm of your fertility monitor, invest 30 seconds of your day.

Another situation in which Daysy might not be a good companion for you would be in cases of Polycystic ovary syndrome May you go without a period for many months. Even so, I don't see a bad option to use it because you learn from your cycle and the health of hormones, especially if you are planning a pregnancy in the next few years, this product will allow you to learn about your body and menstruation. However, remember, if you have been without a period for many months or your cycles are very irregular, go to a health specialist to help you with your hormonal balance. This way, you will ovulate, and Daysy will detect it.


Which is what I personally love about Daysy,

Thanks to the experience of trying Daysy for several cycles, I can say that the fertility monitor He has precisely described the different moments of my ovulation being able to obtain a very precise prediction. I found this monitor to be one of the most interesting articles, with more precision (and less bothersome) to follow the symptothermal method. Keep in mind that due to my profession and because I love to try several products at the same time, I have a very controlled cycle and I can value Daysy as a precision product.

Here I leave you the most relevant points about my relationship with the Daysy fertility monitor product:

  • You can have information about your cycle from the Daysy device or from the application. From the application and thanks to the algorithm, you not only see the graphs, but you can also see the prediction
  • Only with 30 seconds of use per day you can track your fertility.
  • VERY easy to use and interpret
  • It loads very easily and its battery lasts a long time.
  • zero side effects, none. And for me, not having side effects is quality of life.
  • Through the app you can do Track statistics and graph, obtain a prediction and know what phase of the cycle you are in or if you are approaching ovulation with high precision thanks to daily measurement technology.
  • With the colored light that tells you With the fertility monitor you clearly see if you are in the green moment (most infertile) or red (most fertile moment)

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 Personal opinion on knowledge of one's own cycle

No longer as a fertility scientist but as a woman, from my point of view, all women should have a cycle computer or fertility monitor like Daysy, whether they are looking for pregnancy or not, to have information about your menstrual cycle and know how to recognize each moment of the cycle and being able to associate ovulation information with different bodily sensations such as breast sensitivity or changes in cervical mucus in the fertile window phase and when this indicates that we are in an infertile period.


Discount buying Daysy

If you finally decide to buy Daysy (very wise decision) you can use the coupon DaysyEU+736 when you make your purchase and it will discount 10 euros on the price.


You are purchasing a quality, highly accurate fertility monitor. Enjoy it. 🫶



Contact Daysy if you need it

If you have any questions or concerns about how Daysy works, it is important that you know that they have a telephone and email support service in several languages, that you can contact them immediately on Instagram and that they will be happy to help you in its use and understand its tracking and measurement function or any questions you have with the app, about the measurement method or about your monitor.

One of the factors that you should take into account is that these products have a learning time, but with little input from you to your Daysy on a daily basis, It will give you a lot of information about your fertility with details.


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