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Egg quality

quality and quantity of eggs

Eggs: Quality or quantity?

Egg cells, also called oocytes or oocytes, are the reproductive cells of women. Normally, each month we use several eggs but only one matures, the one we are going to ovulate. However, when we ovulate and are looking for pregnancy, we do not know what the quality of this egg is like.

We can only know and study the quality of the eggs in cases where there are assisted reproduction processes such as IVF or in vitro fertilization, since during these techniques, embryologist specialists can see what the egg is like, its shape, texture, structure and whether or not they are easy to fertilize in the laboratory.

Quantity and quality of eggs are not the same

Now, just because we can have many eggs does not mean that they are of quality and vice versa, having few does not mean that they will be of poor quality.

Two examples. It may be that a woman over 40 years old has a very good ovarian reserve and that many eggs will be able to be obtained in an ovarian estimate. That does not mean that all of them are going to be good, mature, or that all of them will fertilize. And unfortunately, the numbers indicate that very few will reach blastocyst or lead to a healthy pregnancy. However, it is obvious that if we want to seek pregnancy with more than 40 and our own eggs, it is better to have many than few and enhance the quality of these, we will tell you how.

Another example would be the situation of one. woman aged 35 or younger who has been diagnosed with low ovarian reserve, in this case, she will have few eggs, but these may be of much higher quality than in the previous case and have better fertilization rates, growth and pregnancy.

Always remember that it has to be personalized and have the opinion of experts. You, for your part, can have a healthy lifestyle, rest and take care of your nutrition


The quality of the eggs for IVF treatment

The more oocytes obtained for an IVF treatment, in part, the better, but remember, quantity is not quality and many times they are not going to look for a large quantity but rather those oocytes that come from ovarian follicles that are growing in a certain way. more optimal.

Furthermore, the relationship between quality and results will be clearly seen in the following days, when these mature oocytes can be extracted and the entire laboratory process is completed.

Can I improve the quality of my eggs?

Whether you seek pregnancy naturally or through assisted reproduction, you will always be able to enhance the quality of your eggs.

If you seek pregnancy naturally, we will not be able to observe them but that does not mean that you cannot improve them, you can improve them just as if we prepared to receive ovarian stimulation.


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5 Key Tips to Improve Oocyte Quality

Here I leave you the key tips that every woman should take into account when trying to get pregnant.

  • Rest, Sleep is essential for good antioxidant and hormonal health. It is our system of repairing ourselves. Furthermore, if we do not rest well, we will not be able to reduce our daily stress levels. If you need to rest deeply, you can always resort to a supplement with melatonin: LINK
  • Weight: Maintain a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables that allows you to have a body mass index within normal limits, neither overweight nor underweight. And remember, there is no ideal food for the quality of the eggs, the important thing is that your daily menu is balanced, fresh and full of vegetables and fruits and you maintain an optimal body mass index.
  • Exercise: Exercising to enhance your fertility and the correct growth of follicles and the quality of eggs is essential. Keep in mind that if everything goes well, we expect you to be pregnant shortly, so you have to be in shape no matter how old you are, exercise will help your fertility and acquire healthy lifestyle habits.
  • Emotions. Searching for pregnancy can be a very stressful time, especially if we plan to undergo assisted reproduction treatments. How we live it will directly influence our stress levels, sleeping poorly, eating poorly or consuming more tobacco or toxic substances. These can influence the quality of your oocytes. So, take care of your emotions, pamper yourself, take your time and if you need it, go to a psychologist to accompany you in your treatment and ensure that it is successful.
  • Fertility vitamins. Vitamins are so important in the quality of oocytes that they deserve a separate section.

Vitamins and egg quality

Vitamins and minerals are very important in our general health and even more so in our daily lives, which are usually exhausting and full of toxins. We mostly have to acquire vitamins and minerals from a balanced and fresh diet, but we can also enhance them by taking supplements that help us combat this oxidation and enhance the quality of the eggs and ovulation.

  • Over 35. Women over 35 years of age should ideally take a fertility supplement that meets more antioxidant requirements than just normal folic acid. Rich in biotin, CoQ10 and all the structural vitamins such as this: LINK fertility supplement over 35 especially if we go for a stimulation treatment.
  • Natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It is also very important to know that there are molecules such as DHA and EPA from Omega3 that will help us not only with the quality of the eggs, but also with a correct hormonal and anti-inflammatory balance. LINK
  • There are many vitamins and elements related to fertility such as inositol, the vitamin C, he resveratrol, the vitamin D, wave Vitamin E among dozens. The important thing is that you assess with your trusted specialist what the ideal supplementation will be for you according to your characteristics and at the time of your search.


Causes of poor egg quality

Remember, there are clear causes related to the poor quality of the eggs that are worth avoiding if you are preparing to seek pregnancy, are already in it or are preparing for your assisted reproduction or in vitro fertilization treatments.

Habits related to poor egg quality: sedentary lifestyle, diet rich in processed foods and sugars. Not resting properly or enough hours. Consumption of alcohol and sweetened and carbonated drinks. Smoking. Other causes such as age or low ovarian reserve, you will not be able to change, so have the power to change what is in your hands.

Think that if you change these habits, you will not only improve the quality of your eggs and future embryos, but you will also promote a healthy pregnancy and a healthier life without free radicals.

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