The female microbiota and its influence on the search for pregnancy

Recently, much has been studied about the vaginal microbiota and the endometrial microbiota and their possible influence on the search for pregnancy. 

In fact, general interest in the microbiota and all the influence it can have on health in general, and fertility in particular, has continued to increase in the last 20 years.

What is the microbiota? 

The microbiota (also popularly known as flora) is the set of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites (microorganisms in general) that live within us and with us, and that have an important influence on certain biological functions. 

And yes, also in fertility. 

Places in the body that have microbiota

Each area of the body has its own microbiota, and, in fact, there is no exposed part of our body that does not have its own ecosystem.
Furthermore, each of these areas has a flora with specific characteristics. 

Furthermore, when there is an impairment or imbalance in the local microbiota (what is known as dysbiosis) it gives rise to different pathologies: gastroenteritis, urinary infections, a greater tendency towards cavities or periodontitis, or even acne (among many other conditions). 

The different types of microbiota depending on their location:

  • Gut microbiota Probably the best known and most extensive of all. The composition of this intestinal flora depends on many factors, including diet, where you live, the type of birth you have had, healthy habits, or stress, tobacco or the (excessive) use of antibiotics. You can analyze your intestinal microbiota with this test here.   
  • Respiratory microbiota This is the set of microorganisms that colonize both the upper respiratory tract, lungs and bronchi. 
  • Skin microbiota The sets of microorganisms that live on the skin act as a protective barrier, both at an immunological, chemical and physical level. 
  • Urinary microbiota The urinary microbiota is another of the great unknowns, but it also has a great role in protecting against diseases, and in case of dysbiosis, it causes urinary diseases. You can see how the urinary microbiota is in this test here. 
  • Reproductive microbiota Although the vaginal microbiota is beginning to be studied somewhat more, the microbiota of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus where implantation occurs) is much less known, although it is estimated that it has relevance in the search for pregnancy. Not to mention the seminal microbiota… 

When to study the microbiota in the search for pregnancy

Until a few years ago, the scope of the microbiome was so unknown that it was not even considered that there were microorganisms inside the uterus, something that has ended up being shown to be not true. 

In fact, in the uterus there is a very rich microbiota. On some occasions, the microbiota is studied to see if it has any relationship when there are difficulties in achieving pregnancy. 

This microbiota is studied, both in search of pregnancy naturally and in assisted reproduction processes: 

  • When there are repeat abortions. 
  • If repeated infections occur. 
  • When pregnancy does not occur for unknown reasons, it is interesting to review the microbiota. 

In fact, in our consultation, in cases of assisted reproduction, we analyze the microbiota even without having any previous cause. Since a medical process so relevant and important begins that, before transferring an embryo it is interesting to evaluate the microbiota with a test, both for heterosexual couples with diagnoses of subfertility or infertility, as well as for single mothers or female couples. 

Thus, we make sure that everything is correct and that the implantation can occur without problems (as far as the microbiota is concerned). 

Ways to analyze female microbiota in fertility: teletest

The female microbiota can be studied in two ways: either in the vagina or directly in the endometrium. 

Let's see what both ways of analyzing the female flora entail: both pros and cons, as well as the uses of each of the tests. 

In both the vaginal and endometrium microbiota tests, the process is very similar. In the case of doing the analysis with Teletest, you receive a kit at home, and... let's see the differences between the two. 

Advantages and disadvantages of analyzing the microbiota in the vagina

When you receive the kit at home, you can directly take the test to analyze the microbiota of your vagina. You must read the test manufacturer's instructions, but you will see that it is very simple. 

Remember that you can purchase your vaginal microbiota test at TELETEST with a 10% discount. Your coupon: GOFERTIL. 

Advantages of the vaginal microbiota test

  • Very simple to use: it can be done at home by following the simple instructions. 
  • It's painless. 
  • Sending to the laboratory is very simple: the delivery person comes home to pick up the package when you indicate. 

Disadvantages of the vaginal flora test

  • The test must be done as close to the day of ovulation (ideally, right after) to obtain results of a microbiota that is as similar as possible to that of the moment of potential implantation. 

Advantages and disadvantages of analyzing the microbiota in the endometrium

In this case, You receive the test at home, with a kit and instructions, but you need a doctor to collect the sample, since you will not be able to collect the sample yourself. 

Remember that you have a 10% discount with GOFERTI couponL in any TELETEST microbiota test. 

Advantages of the endometrial microbiota test

  • The result is interesting because it directly analyzes the place where an embryo should be implanted. 
  • It is also received at home, with the necessary comfort and privacy, but you must go to the gynecologist to collect the sample. Once you have it, you take the kit home and the delivery person comes to pick it up. 

Disadvantages of the endometrium microbiota test

  • It is necessary to go to the gynecologist, because you cannot take the sample yourself, which must be collected in the gynecological position. 
  • The test is somewhat annoying. 
  • The test can become contaminated when passed through the vagina.
  • If there is a pathogen in the endometrium, it is probably also found in the vagina (which is the most likely origin)

Whether you decide (or your doctor recommends) to use a test on the vagina or one on the endometrium, what is clear is that it is good to have a good professional who can interpret the results for you, since they are not easy to understand. 

This professional may be a doctor, a gynecologist, an embryologist, a psychoneuroimmunologist or a related health professional.

Here I leave you an indicative summary table of the different tests

  Test type
Recurrent itching or infections Vaginal
Endometritis assessment


Recurrent abortions Both, preferably endometrial
Pregnancy is not achieved, cause unknown Start with vaginal
Pick up yourself at home Vaginal
Pickup at gynecological consultation Endometrial
Reading by a health professional Both



The male microbiota in fertility 

The microbiota is also shared with the partner, so depending on the results of the microbiota analysis, your reference professionals may recommend doing some analysis of the male microbiota. 

These tests can be done for both ejaculate and urine.

You have at your disposal a 10% discount on your seminal microbiota test or any other with the GOFERTIL coupon. 


The importance of the microbiota in fertility processes, whether naturally or with assisted reproduction, is increasing. It is important to have good habits that allow the microbiota to be as balanced as possible. 

And once the process of trying to get pregnant begins, taking a microbiota test will always be a good idea. 
