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Fertilovit PCOS: the vitamin formula for women with PCOS

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Fertilovit PCOS: Fertility aid for women with PCOS

Fertilovit PCOS is a dietary treatment formulated with vitamins, specially created for women suffering from SOP (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and aimed at helping them improve their fertility.

It has been developed by the German company gonadosan (specialists in fertility products), and specially formulated for women seeking pregnancy and need this type of vitamin supplementation. 


What is SOP?

El polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects women, and influences ovulation and the shape of the ovaries. 

Symptoms are usually ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual cycles, excess facial hair, or acne. However, cysts are not defining of PCOS. You can have ovarian cysts and not have PCOS, and you can have PCOS without having PCOS. polycystic ovaries

This syndrome currently affects between 5 and 10% of women of childbearing age, and is one of the most common causes of female infertility. 

Women with PCOS often have hyperandrogenism (excess body hair), oligo or anovulation (irregular cycles), or more than 12 follicles in the ovaries (diagnosed by ultrasound). 

Insulin resistance is also affected. Insulin does not produce enough effect on the receptors in the tissues that process sugar. This makes the pancreas have to release more insulin than necessary, and causes an excess of this hormone in the body.

This excess causes an alteration in ovarian function. 

Women with this syndrome have to be very aware that they need a very specific vitamin supplementation (always under professional supervision).

And although, unfortunately, this syndrome still has no cure, medical treatments together with a healthy lifestyle allow us to cope well, and promote fertility despite PCOS.

The role PCOS plays in fertility

Several studies have shown that approximately one third of patients suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome can ovulate and become pregnant naturally. Also, if medical support is needed, the chances of getting pregnant increase up to 70%.

A treatment for women with polycystic ovary syndrome seeking pregnancy should be based on:

  • Lose weight: is the first step of the process. women who have overweight have more difficulties to balance your hormonal system. In contrast, a person who loses only 5% of their body weight can substantially improve their hormonal stabilization. 

That means more regular menstrual cycles, decreased facial hair and acne, improved skin, and a decrease in the appearance of ovarian cysts.

  • Micronutrient Support: after many studies, where a wide range of micronutrients have been examined, it has been concluded that, properly directed, supplementation can help establish a better hormonal and metabolic balance in patients with PCOS.
  • improve nutrition: A change of life in the daily diet can mean many more opportunities to reduce the effects of polycystic ovary syndrome. Some practical tips to incorporate a healthy diet are:

Fruits and vegetables: a considerable consumption of this type of food is essential. They contain few calories and help the absorption of fiber. It is highly advisable to consume seasonal and organic products.

Beverages: another of the basic aspects is the daily consumption of water, which should be between 1,5 and 2 liters per day. Lemonades with minimal sugar are also recommended. Coffee, tea and alcohol in moderation.

Carbohydrates: consume, if possible, whole grains, since they will provide you with fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, they contain a low glucose index.

Vegetable proteins: increases the consumption of this type of protein and decreases that of animal proteins. 

Examples of vegetable proteins are legumes, nuts, seeds, soy (although this in moderation)

Fats: It is essential to avoid trans fats. Replace them with unsaturated vegetable oils (olive oil) or rapeseed. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are also very valuable. You can find them in salmon or mackerel for example.

  • Fertility treatment: in cases where it is not possible to achieve pregnancy naturally, artificial ovulation induction may be necessary in an assisted reproduction clinic. 

There are cases in which surgical intervention is required, in order to break the vicious hormonal circle and thus regulate the production of hormones. 

Fertilovit PCOS can help you get pregnant

When planning a pregnancy, women must be aware of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a varied and balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. 

Adding certain supplements to this healthy lifestyle, such as Fertilovit PCOS, can help women promote their fertility and reach pregnancy more easily.

Fertilovit PCOS has been created to support the diet of women with PCOS through an adapted mix of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. A dietary treatment adapted to PCOS, and specially designed for the preconception period of women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and want to plan a pregnancy. 

One of the keys is the special combination of different inositols.

Inositol is a polyalcohol with vital importance in cell biology. To keep things simple, it's involved in insulin signaling, which means it increases sensitivity to ovarian-stimulating hormones (FSH). 

Fertilovit PCOS is a combination of inositols, chromium, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, DHA, EPA, dosed folic acid and other nutrients, which broadly cover these needs.

The use of supplements how Fertilovit PCOS It is a complement to a balanced diet, never a substitute. 

In other words, using a supplement that helps your fertility does not mean that it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is also very important that you consult your doctor and gynecologist periodically to make sure that you are taking the adequate amounts to favor and support the search for pregnancy, whether you are undergoing assisted reproduction treatment or if you are seeking it naturally.


So if you're looking for a way to treat your Polycystic Ovary Syndrome to seek a pregnancyyou can trust Fertilovit PCOS. 

Its innovative formula of vital substances, complementing a balanced diet, can help you prove that getting pregnant while suffering from PCOS is no dream.