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Macroguide of microbiota and fertility (Part 1️⃣) 

microbiota fertility

Macroguide to have a healthy microbiota and improve fertility (part 1)


The microbiota plays an essential role in fertility, both in women and men. the masculine


We have seen that there are different scientific studies that corroborate its importance, and that, although this scientific literature still needs to be expanded, the evidence is beginning to be clear. It is important to maintain a balance of flora, both in men and women. 


But ... What can I do to maintain a good microbiota?


We are going to give you some ideas to know what a healthy and balanced microbiota looks like. 

How is a good vaginal microbiota

The vagina has a very specific specific pH. In adolescence, with sexual maturation, a series of secretions are produced with the necessary nutrients for the growth of the Lactobacillus that should predominate in these mucous membranes. 


These bacteria are precisely responsible for maintaining an optimal pH that will keep the excessive growth of other not so interesting bacteria at bay (such as Gardnerella Vaginalis or Candida Albicans, among others).


How to measure the vaginal microbiota

Vaginal pH changes throughout a woman's life and it is very important to take this into account. This pH can be measured with litmus test strips available in pharmacies. On a scale of 1 to 14, a 7 would be a neutral pH. From 7 upwards it would be a more alkaline pH, and downwards it would be an acidic pH.


How does the vaginal microbiota during the female cycle

As we have seen, the vaginal microbiota changes during the cycle. There are some parameters in which the pH moves: 

Before the first rule, the pH ranges between 6,8 and 7,2.

In the days before menstruation: between 3,8 and 4,2.

The rest of the cycle: between 4 and 5.

During menstruation, it recovers the same values ​​as during childhood, between 6,8 and 7,2.

During pregnancy: something less than 4.5

During menopause: values ​​close to 7.


How is the seminal microbiota Male

It is known that, although the female genital microbiota shares 85% of the bacterial species with the seminal microbiota, it is richer and more diversified. 


The mechanism of action of the balance between microorganisms through the pH level is shared but, unfortunately, little or nothing has been studied on the evolution in the composition of the male semen microbiota, with the relevance that it can have in the face of failed fertility processes. 


Perhaps there are cultural issues behind it, but it is, without a doubt, a pending chapter that is now beginning to be studied. 


Probiotic supplementation for female microbiota y Male

As we have mentioned before, probiotics are living microorganisms, like bacteria, that are not harmful to our body. 


Supplied in adequate doses and supervised by a specialist therapist, probiotics help to conserve the vaginal and seminal flora, avoiding and reducing infections. 


The predominant lactobacilli in the vagina are Lactobacillus Crispatus, L. iners, L. Jensenii and L. Gasseri. 

In the semen they are Lactobacillus spp., Staphylococcus, Streptococci, coryneform bacteria and various anaerobic microorganisms.


The most common conditions that alter the vaginal flora are caused by fungi and in men E. Coli. 

Both manage to replace or cancel the defensive function of lactobacilli. 


In these cases, the lactobacilli supplied by the probiotics adhere to the mucous membranes. These lower the pH of the tissues, preventing the proliferation of more germs. 


Therefore, the probiotics They are very useful when there is an infection in the intimate areas, but they can also be used as a preventive tool.


Common mucosal immune system

All the mucous membranes of the body have similar characteristics: their tissues are similar, they all secrete some type of defensive fluids and are colonized by a series of bacteria, the microbiota, which enable them to carry out their immunological work correctly. 


The interesting thing is that all the mucous membranes of the body are connected to each other. They communicate. All of them form the common immune system of the mucous membranes. 


And this is important because if we want to have a healthy microbiota in the mouth, in the vagina or in the male reproductive system, it will be important that the main mucous tissue is also healthy. 


If not, the alteration of this can affect the level of immunological tolerance of the rest of the mucous membranes. And the main mucous tissue in the body, by extension, is the intestine.


In this sense, the intestinal microbiota is crowned as the spearhead in all treatments that try to improve the state of all other mucous membranes. 

How does it affect intestinal microbiota to the vaginal or seminal microbiota

Intestinal dysbiosis produces inflammation in the intestine itself but, in turn, systemically affects its host:

- It affects the metabolism of nutrients, in how we absorb what we eat.

- Increases intestinal permeability allowing an excess of harmful substances to pass into the circulatory stream.

- A pro-inflammatory systemic environment and a dysfunction of the immune system derive from the above that can affect the individual in many different ways. Yes, fertility too.


Therefore, it is said that intestinal dysbiosis can lead to chronic metabolic, neurological, autoimmune, inflammatory, neoplastic diseases, etc. 

Do you want to see how your intestinal microbiota is from home? You can carry out this test and in the laboratory they will sequence all the DNA of your microbiota and you will have a personalized profile. LINK MICROBIOTA TEST

Therefore, their care will be part of the recommendations that we offer you to improve the state of the microbiota. 


In the second part of this macro-guide on how to maintain a good microbiota, we will discover practical tips that help you keep your microbiota healthy to promote fertility.


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