🔬 Differences between ICSI and IMSI

What are the differences between the ICSI and IMSI technique? 

There are many couples who present infertility problems, and this can be due to different reasons that can be related to both men and women.

Problems on the man's side are usually due to low sperm count or abnormal sperm and the low mobility thereof.

On the women's side, the reasons for infertility can be age, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, mental stress and some other factors can influence this problem. 

But currently there are different methods which are of great help to resolve these types of problems between couples.

Among them, we have some efficient methods that will be of great help when looking for a solution, such as treatments with ICSI and IMSI.

If you have not heard of these methods, we invite you to learn more about each of them and discover the differences between ICSI and IMSI.

What is ICSI?

ICSI is a type of intracytoplasmic injection of sperm, being a fertilization method that consists of directly injecting the sperm into the cytoplasm of an egg. 

It has become one of the most used methods to treat infertility problems in men, since the ICSI It only requires one sperm per egg, which is why this method is known as in vitro fertilization technique.

This type of method is very convenient to treat male infertility, especially those who suffer from oligozoospermia, azoospermia, teratozoospermia or asthenozoospermia.

The ICSI It is very common to use it in men who have previously undergone a vasectomy, those who have undergone a treatment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy and have frozen their semen, men who cannot ejaculate normally and even for those who suffer from infectious diseases.

In it women's case, many resort to this type of injection due to a poor quality of oocytes or that very few follicles are obtained when performing ovarian puncture.

What is IMSI?

Known as Injection of selected sperm of intracytoplasmic morphology (IMSI), It is a type of technique that is also known as Super ICSI.

In this method we proceed to select sperm that have no defects and have fewer alterations, which increases implantation and pregnancy rates.

Here, the sperm are magnified even more, this in order to select the best sperm. For this process, a high-powered and highly equipped microscope is used. 

The IMSI It is a method that contains a simple modification, since its increase in potency is higher during the selection of sperm, which makes it more effective and leads to a higher pregnancy rate.

It is considered an advanced and successful method, and the only disadvantage of this treatment is that it may take longer, as the sperm must be carefully selected.


Knowing a little about each of the methods, Which one should you choose? It is important to know that, currently, the most used method for treating severe cases of infertility is the ICSI, especially when the man has few sperm or sperm with poor morphology. 

However, the ICSI method has a disadvantage compared to IMSI method and it is that in the technique ICSI The specialist chooses the sperm simply by observing their head, intermediate segment and tail. 

While, in the method IMSI, the work may take longer to select sperm, but they will be safer and this can be verified because the pregnancy rate with this method increases in cases of infertility in men. 


Similarities between ICSI and IMSI

Get to know some of the similarities that exist between both methods:

  • Both methods are IVF type.
  • Both methods consist of implanting an injection of a sperm into the cytoplasm of an egg.
  • The two methods have become a great help in solving different problems that arise in married couples due to infertility. 

Differences between ICSI and IMSI

It is a process of injecting sperm into the egg. The sperm selection process is magnified, allowing for better sperm.
Using Ultra-High Magnification
Does not use ultra high magnification. It makes use of ultra-high magnification.
Best sperm
No, since it is a selection in which the specialist is based on the head, intermediate segment and tail, it does not assure 100% of its fertility. Yes, being a process in which the selection of magnified sperm allows them to be better.
pregnancy rate
The pregnancy rate of IVF with ICSI. The chances of pregnancy are greater in cases of severe male factor.
It takes less time to complete the process. The process may take longer, this is because the selection of sperm is more advanced.


When is ICSI used?

The use of ICSI It is more recommended when men present cases of severe sterility or of unknown origin. In these types of cases, it is recommended to perform sperm microinjection.

This is because it has become a therapeutic option and leaves very good results in this type of patient.

But, it is not only recommended in patients with severe problems, it is also done when couples are looking for a quick solution when you want to fertilize.

When to use IMSI?

Like the method ICSI, he IMSI It is recommended to practice it when the sperm morphology is the altered parameter, which is known as teratozoospermia.

It is a safe method which has become one of the most recommended by experts, and this is because with this treatment there are more possibilities of fertilization. 

Advantages of ICSI

Among the advantages of ICSI, can be mentioned:

  • This method has a great advantage: this technique obtains more egg fertilization rates.
  • Only one live sperm is necessary for each oocyte, so it can be carried out with low quality semen. 

Advantages of IMSI

The method IMSI It has certain advantages, which make it preferred by many:

  • Its main advantage is that during the process a sperm visualization more detailed, making it 15 times more powerful than ICSI.
  • With this method you can select live sperm in real time, avoiding the use of specific stains that could cause damage to the male gametes.


Certain factors to evaluate

However, it is important to keep in mind that, to carry out either of the two methods, you need evaluate certain factors that can directly influence the final pregnancy rate.

Among these we can mention:

  • The previous study: Before undergoing these methods, it is important to carry out a prior study, where any type of problems that may affect the process can be identified.
  • Age: It is very important, since this factor directly influences the ovarian reserve.
  • Technology and training: This is a very important factor when wanting to carry out any of the processes: try to do it in trained, modern, well-equipped laboratories, this directly influences the treatment.


Preparation and care after undergoing the ICSI or IMSI method

It's important to know how you should prepare before deciding on some of these methods and then how you should take care of yourself.

  • Nutrition: It is recommended before undergoing the treatment to consume folic acid and Vitamin B, with this you will increase the chances of pregnancy.
  • Perform exercises: You must stay in shape and carry out moderate exercise routines.
  • Avoid stress: Staying stressed can reduce your chances of success, which is why anti-stress activities are recommended.

After undergoing treatment, the most recommended is stay at rest about 30 and 45 minutes, then you can resume your normal life, but without the need to make any effort.

It is also recommended drink enough fluid, avoid having sexual relations until you do the pregnancy test and avoid immersion baths.

Without a doubt, both techniques have been created thinking about helping all couples who have fertility problems.


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