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The menstruation revolution

The Menstruation Revolution is a book that takes a tour of the fundamentals of menstrual health from a health point of view. It focuses on the physiology of women while maintaining a feminist approach that is rare in this type of literature but which is attractive and which many will enjoy reading.

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The menstruation revolution

The Menstruation Revolution is a book that takes a tour of the fundamentals of menstrual health from a health point of view. It focuses on the physiology of women while maintaining a feminist approach that is rare in this type of literature but which is attractive and which many will enjoy reading.

This work covers all essential aspects of achieving proper menstrual health, including: Food, physical activity, rest, etc. It also delves into the various most common menstrual disorders, including Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Endometriosis.

Your menstrual cycle will never become something unknown with this comprehensive manual that completely dismantle all the myths that have arisen around menstruation. Here you will discover if your cycle is healthy, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using menstrual hygiene products, such as tampons, sponges and menstrual cup.

Despite not being a book focused on the sociological aspect of the hormonal stages of women, it does offer great contributions to the socio-educational field. An entertaining reading that takes advantage of the space to introduce the gender perspective in each of the texts. It will be interesting to read about the impact of the current pandemic on the menstrual cycle and on women's health.

There is no doubt that “The menstruation revolution”Is a unique book that breaks all the schemes. And it is that you could not expect less than Xusa Sanz, a nurse, nutritionist, and health educator who has specialized in women's hormonal health and menstrual cycle disorders. Sanz has become a benchmark for feminist activism, being the author of famous phrases such as: "the menstrual cycle is a vital sign" or "normalizing menstrual pain is patriarchal violence."

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