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Mom and dad dream of a light bug

Precisely, as stories for children about fertility treatments promote diversity, this story explains one of the forms of family that exist, and although it is not the most common, it is just as important: Mom and dad with a donated bug of light.

In addition to stories about egg donation, there is also space about those wonderful parents who, in order to hold their baby in their arms, they have not closed themselves off to the alternatives offered by reproductive medicine. 

Read on for more information

Precisely, as stories for children about fertility treatments promote diversity, this story explains one of the forms of family that exist, and although it is not the most common, it is just as important: Mom and dad with a donated bug of light.

In addition to stories about egg donation, there is also space about those wonderful parents who, in order to hold their baby in their arms, they have not closed themselves off to the alternatives offered by reproductive medicine. 

With the right tools, hope can grow into a happy child and an empathetic adult who recognize its origin and he is proud of it. To meet the goal, this children's book on fertility will be your best companion.


Synopsis of the children's story "Mom and dad dream of a light bug"

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This story of assisted reproduction tells the story of a couple who wanted to be parents. Despite their attempts and evaluating different options, they had failed to achieve pregnancy with their gametes for infertility.

That discouraged them for a while, until one day they thought they could be the dads they had always dreamed of, if only They accepted a little help!

This is how they began an assisted process, in conjunction with a sperm bank (also of eggs or embryos) and doctors, who they helped the pregnancy to arise and maintain it. 

After many weeks of dedication and following the correct recommendations, the light bug arrived that they dreamed so much and as a result it came true. This is how this is a story that explains fertility processes and teaches about the power of believing that it is possible.

Characteristics of the children's story "Mom and dad dream of a light bug"

judith franch is the author of this book about fertility methods, being a possibility to explain to children conceived by means of these tools how were they born Whether they used embryo, egg or sperm donation, it is feasible with each case.

The intention is that the child understands the main concept and that each family can explain the appropriate details to complete the story. All this through a hardcover book you'll treasure and read to their own children in the future.

This story for children of assisted reproduction It is composed of illustrations and graphics, which make it easy to understand a way of being born as full of love as any other.


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