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The Trackle fertility monitor is for you if you meet 3 requirements

trackle fertility monitor

About the fertility monitor trackle

I give you all the information and my personal opinion so that you know if you meet the requirements to use the Trackle fertility monitor. If so, and you are finally going to acquire it, know that each unit lasts two years and that at the end of the article you can find a discount code. 

First of all tell you that the fertility monitor helps you keep track of your cycle and thus have more information about your body, your hormones and your fertility, whether or not you are looking for pregnancy. 

Now, if you are looking for pregnancy it is ideal because it tells you with the highest possible accuracy most fertile days

What problem do we have today to know exactly the most fertile days of the cycle?

Well, we have to record and transfer a lot of data such as temperature and cervical mucusl and most of the time, we keep a fairly traditional record that can lead to oversights and errors, giving, of course, readings that are not going to serve you for the purpose of calculating the fertile days or learn more about your body and your menstrual cycle. 

If you really want to calculate your fertile days, the ideal is keep track of basal body temperature, the lowest temperature we get at night, the record of the cervical mucus and also be attentive to mood swings or changes in the body such as the sensation in the breasts or a little acne among others. 

detail trackle fertility monitor

What advantages do you have in using a fertility monitor as tackle

The trackle monitor is ideal because you insert it at night into the vagina, It has the size of a tampon and that's why you don't notice it, in the morning you remove it, wash it and put it in its case so that it sends your basal temperature data to two decimal places to the mobile application. 

In this way, the application already draws you a graph of your temperature to two decimal places and automatically calculates your fertile days, learning from your cycle and calculating based on your results. 

In addition, each day it asks you to put information on the cervical Mucus, that when removing the tackle from the vagina, you will surely notice… So, it is a family planning method without hormones and that allows you to follow the symptothermal method if you also follow it.

The cervical mucus information as well as the exact temperature to two decimal places will go directly to the Trackle application of your mobile and you will be able to follow the information of your female cycle step by step, being able to determine the fertile days with the greatest probability of becoming pregnant, or on the contrary, the days with the least possibility of a pregnancy. 

Now this modern fertile window sensing technology is not for everyone. Trackle is for you if you meet these 3 requirements:

🌟 Requirement number 1. That you really want to be aware of the different phases of your cycle. 

If you really want to know about your cycle and when you are, as well as note about the cervical mucus, the fertility monitor will be super useful. If you prefer not to have that knowledge or you think it will overwhelm you, it will not be your method. 

🌟 Requirement number 2. You are methodical and you will not forget any night

think the monitor trackle receives the data and creates a personalized graph for you to know when you ovulate, if you skip days, it will be really difficult to detect the temperature peak that is related to ovulation. 

On the days of the rule, keep in mind that Trackle is not used and that it is recommended that you start using it from the fifth day of the cycle. 

🌟 Requirement number 3. You must have a certain mastery and knowledge of your pelvic floor

Keep in mind that every night you will have to insert the device into the vagina and that in the morning, thanks to its grip zone, you will be able to remove it. To do this, the ideal is that you are familiar with your body and have control of your pelvic floor to facilitate the withdrawal. 

Here is the link to their website so you can see photos of the application and how good ovulation and fertile days look.

👉If you finally want to acquire it, if you put the coupon GOFERTIL will give you a 10% discount👈

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