Mega guide to feminine intimate hygiene

Just as we have normalized body and facial care in our daily routine, we must also do the same with feminine intimate hygiene. 

The reality is that it is an area that requires different care than the rest of the body due to its delicacy and PH of the skin. 

Although it is not necessary to invest too much time in it. With a little daily attention you will improve your feeling of well-being.

We wanted to compile in this article a complete guide on feminine intimate hygiene, with all the necessary information to take care of yourself.

Does it really require special care?

The reason for paying attention to feminine intimate hygiene is based on the fact that the female genitals have different characteristics from the rest of the body, and they also change throughout life.

This is an area with more sensitive skin, very delicate, moist and with a different PH and flora. That is why it is not recommended to use, for example, the same shower gel as for the rest of the body.

With facial care it seems that it is much more widely assumed that it is convenient to use different soaps and creams. However, only a small percentage of women use specific products for intimate hygiene.

Taking care of this area naturally and with specific products will prevent dryness or other conditions.

Furthermore, the composition and PH of the vaginal flora varies over the years. The reasons for imbalances are very varied: genetic, hormonal, environmental, etc.

Tips for good feminine intimate hygiene

Now that we have seen the importance of women's intimate hygiene, we are going to collect a series of tips to carry it out with the best results.

For the daily cleaning, we must try to avoid body shower gels. Instead, it is recommended to use specific gels. Later we will see which are the most recommended for each age or moment in the fertile stage.

Avoid tight clothing. The skin in this area is very sensitive and wearing this type of clothing causes friction and irritation. In addition, it does not favor blood flow.

It is possible that while taking antibiotics you have had an infection. This happens because these drugs alter the vaginal flora and leave it unprotected. In these cases, to prevent, you can take probiotics that help strengthen the immune system.

In the shower do not use sponges but directly the hand. Sponges accumulate germs, just what we want to avoid when washing. Therefore, for intimate hygiene, it is better not to use this type of bathroom accessories. 

It suits wash once a day. When we wash we also eliminate bacterial flora that naturally protects the area. That is why we recommend not overdoing it, to maintain balance. Additionally, cleaning must be done always from front to back. Never, never the opposite.

You must also pay special attention to cleaning before and after having intimate relationships. 

And take special care with hygiene during menstruation: wash your hands before and after handling feminine hygiene products, whether you use reusable or single-use products.


Materials and components suitable for feminine hygiene and others not so good

Now that we know how to care for the female intimate area, let's see what types of materials and components are good and which ones to avoid.

We have mentioned that clothing should not be too tight. But furthermore, it is convenient that the underwear is 100% cotton. If we avoid synthetic fabrics we promote perspiration.

Furthermore, for washing clothes it is best to Avoid chemicals that irritate the skin. We must not forget that the skin in intimate areas is much more sensitive.

Another of our recommendations is that in general avoid perfumes. Also in gels or soaps for specific use. They are extra ingredients that do not contribute anything to the cleaning and also mask the odor.

The smell is natural, it should not generate rejection. In addition, changes in smell or bad odors are giving us a warning sign that something is not right. In these cases, by not camouflaging the odors, any problem we may have can be detected early and we can go to the specialist. 

In some cases, extra hydration may be needed in the intimate area. For these cases you have creams specific moisturizers. Again, do not use body creams because they do not respect the PH of the area. 

Lastly, have a healthy and varied diet It helps us to have a good immune system in general, and in particular with the vaginal flora. That is why it is also good to avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and exciting foods such as caffeine.

Most used products for feminine intimate hygiene

We are going to make a brief summary of the products that help maintain feminine hygiene.

  • Intimate soap: There are them with different pH and it is an important factor when buying them. It varies depending on your age or the fertile moment in which you are. 

For girls who have not yet started menstruation and women in the menopause stage, the pH is neutral (7). But afterwards the normal thing is for the pH to be around 4.5-5. And during pregnancy it is slightly more acidic. Furthermore, during menstruation it rises slightly, hovering around neutral. 

  • Pads, panty liners and tampons: As with underwear, in the case of pads it is best that they be made of cotton, without synthetic products or polymers (which are absorbent derived from petroleum).

There are some brands that use natural products for whitening and disinfection, which are much more respectful of your skin.

  • Menstrual cup: increasingly used to replace pads and tampons and also avoid waste at home. They are absolutely respectful of your body. 

Cleaning is simple, with natural soap. It only requires that you have clean hands to handle it. And you just have to disinfect it in boiling water before and after each period.

  • Probiotics: For those cases in which you want to strengthen the immune system, probiotics help in prevention. If you have low defenses in general, or are taking antibiotics, they are a complement that helps you keep the bacterial flora balanced. 

As a general recommendation, if you maintain basic feminine intimate hygiene habits you will feel more comfortable and avoid annoying infections.

If you still do not use specific products for your intimate hygiene, or have not found any that work for you, you can take a look around our store and take a look at the intimate care section. In this post you can also read about sustainable menstruation.

Apart from the intimate care section, here is a list of the intimate hygiene products that we usually use for fertility care, from the most natural soaps, to cloth compresses or probiotics specific to women's flora. .

LINK Eco menstrual cup

LINK Cloth compresses 

LINK Probiotics female intimate flora

LINK Eco intimate soap


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