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Mitochondria and fertility: a matter of energy

mitochondria fertility energy

Both the natural reproductive process and that of in vitro fertilization (IVF) require a significant amount of energy. 

For women, the follicle maturation process is complex and energy demanding. Energy is needed to grow, mature and make ovulation possible. Once fertilized, there must also be enough energy to enable the necessary cell duplication. 

Therefore, the ability to produce energy, and the ability of the body to manage oxidative damage -derived mainly from age-, are decisive for reproductive success. 

The aging of the ovules entails a decrease in the quantity and quality of the oocytes, mainly as a result of oxidative stress. On the other hand, aged oocytes have a reduced ability to generate energy. This results in lower fertilization rates and poor embryo development. 

Egg quality


Where do we get all this energy? mitochondria

The mitochondria They are responsible for producing energy for the body. They are also responsible for counteracting the excess of free radicals generated by oxidation processes in the body. 

An ideal strategy is to maintain a high number of mitochondria and ensure that the ones we have work at full capacity.

Technically, mitochondria are tiny structures that exist within the most complex cells of the human body. Like cells within other more complex cells.

Its evolution is fascinating: billions of years ago they were simple cells that managed to produce energy from organic nutrients in the environment, through oxidation reactions in the presence of oxygen. 

At a certain point, one of these mitochondria managed to "resist" the digestion process inside the larger cell, and stayed alive.

In a natural and beneficial way, this symbiosis and relationship has been maintained over time.. While one got organic nutrients, the other benefited from the manufactured energy. Currently, It is estimated that each of our cells has an average of 100 mitochondria. 

However, chen mitochondria are defective, cells do not have enough energy to function properly.

mitochondrial function It has been the subject of several studies to verify the effect it has on metabolic stress, ovarian aging and the fertile capacity of women. 

The most recent evidence shows that the potential of the embryo may be related to the capacity of the mitochondria (of the oocytes) to generate energy.   

That is, a possible cause of fertile shortage in women could be a dysfunction of the mitochondria in the cells of the uterus. And that dysfunction would be related to age, the degree of oxidation generated or harmful habits.


When the oocytes have less energy, it is usually associated with: 
  • Infertility.
  • Developmental disorders.
  • Reduced number of blastocyst cells.
  • Embryo loss.


It has been proven that when the amount of energy is not necessary, it can explain a low ovarian reserve.

On the other hand, the mitochondria also depends on the programmed cell death process (apoptosis)


Apoptosis appears to be responsible for:

    • The pre and postnatal decrease in germ cells.
    • The development of the embryo.
    • implantation failure.
    • Spontaneous abortions.

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Follicles: better quality than quantity


For any fertility process, natural or assisted, achieving good health is very beneficial for women.


It is important to avoid lifestyle habits that enhance the production of free radicals when trying to get pregnant: not smoking, not abusing alcohol or drugs, not being in polluting environments, avoiding excess sugars and refined flours, sedentary lifestyle or stress.


Working to enhance fertility means working to achieve a better quality oocyte, a more appropriate endometrium and adequate genetic development. 


In this way, even if there is a low ovarian reserve, there may be quality material. 


As a biologist specialized in fertility and assisted reproduction, I will always bet on the quality rather than the quantity of a woman's follicles. Because, in the end, it only takes one, but well, one that develops with energy and has the strength to complete the entire process. 


mitochondria in men

Las mitochondria also play a vital role in the development of sperm. They are considered determining indicators of their quality. 


One of the main tasks of the mitochondria is the regulation of free radical levels in the body. This regulation includes:

  • Improvement and motility of sperm morphological parameters.
  • Capacitation and reaction of the acrosome and its interaction with the oocytes.


In the case of men, to improve their reproductive capacity, mitochondrial health and supplementation with antioxidant substances are essential 

It is very important to let yourself be advised by experts on this subject.

It may interest you: Male fertility: three tips to improve it


How to improve the number of mitochondria?

More and more women are seek treatment at fertility clinics affected by metabolic disorders (diabetes or obesity), or who come to seek pregnancy at an advanced age. 


Before starting any process, it is recommended improve adverse metabolic conditions that can impair the quality of mitochondria. The idea is to be able to ensure sufficient energy and an optimal level of antioxidants to be able to restore the quality of the oocytes that are aged. 


In recent years, even techniques for additional injection of mitochondria to provide a state of oocyte rejuvenation.


Recommendations to improve mitochondria


Here are seven simple recommendations to improve your mitochondria:

  • Do vigorous exercise regularly

Muscles are the tissues that house the most mitochondria The more muscles, the more mitochondria! 


Strengthening the muscles initiates a dynamic process of replacing old mitochondria with new ones. After the practice of intense physical exercise, the number and quality of mitochondria increases. 


A good example are the HITT (High Intensive Interval Training): short but intense exercises. You can also practice types of yoga that are intense like the ones we discussed in this post: Yoga and fertility, types and postures


  • Improve your waste disposal processes

Exercising outdoors (if possible, in the field or green area), is a good way to eliminate toxins to avoid free radicals through sweat or breathing. 


Saunas also help eliminate toxins through the skin. 


Good hydration with water improves the kidneys' ability to eliminate waste and toxins from the body. 


Finally, if you do not pass the bowels well, all these processes are of little use. Therefore, we need being able to eliminate daily and correctly the feces of the body


  • Watch what you eat and when you eat it

It is important to regularly consume products that act as antioxidants and improve the functioning of the mitochondria: Coenzyme Q10, Resveratrol, L-Carnintine and Alpha-Lipoic Acid. They exist in pharmacological form but are also found in common foods:

  • Coenzyme Q10: walnuts, pistachios, sesame, chicken, turkey, trout, salmon, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots.
  • Resveratrol:  black grapes with skin, walnuts, peanuts, red fruits, chocolate.
  • L-Carnitine: red meat, eggs, milk, cheese, tempeh, avocados.
  • Alpha lipoic acid: carrots, beets, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, organ meats, shellfish.


General recommendations

  • EAvoid processed foods with a high glycemic load, for example, low-quality sausages and refined flours. They favor weight gain, inflammation and the production of free radicals.
  • Consume organic products (they have small amounts of pesticides and herbicides) and wash the products you are going to consume well. 
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure a good dose of antioxidants. 
  • Finally, it is not only important what you eat, but also when and how much you eat: having a copious dinner requires extra mitochondrial work, which favors the production residues in the form of free radicals. Moving dinner time forward helps to reverse this situation and promote better quality sleep, which is beneficial for the mitochondria. 


  • And, once in a while, don't eat!

Skipping dinner or breakfast from time to time, or separating your daily intake by 3 or 4 hours, increases the expression of certain molecules that favor the efficiency of mitochondrial activity.  


PIt seems proven that the fasting and calorie restriction they favor the purification of toxins, since they enhance autophagy or specific recycling of mitochondria, enabling the creation of new ones.


  • Manage your stress levels

The human body is NOT prepared to sustain continuous levels of stress. This situation is costly and bad for health in general, but specifically for our mitochondria. 


Stress is a great precursor to free radicals in the body. It is important to include distraction and relaxation activities in your weekly agenda: meditation, crafts, hobbies, mindfulness... 

This will help you sleep better. The restful sleep is beneficial for the health of the mitochondria.


If you control your stress and rest properly, it will be more difficult for your defenses to fall against viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts or parasites, which generate many free radicals that do not interest us.


  • Practice selective exposure

Exposing yourself to cold in moderation is something very interesting for the health of the mitochondria: in the pool, in the sea, in ice water or ending with cold showers. All this favors the mechanism of compensation of free radicals by the generation of heat as compensation for cold. 


It is also important to avoid constant exposure to pollution, contamination and electromagnetic radiation. Leave the city periodically, go out to the countryside frequently to recharge your batteries, oxygenate yourself and relax! 

Avoid tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. 


  • Supplementation

These foods cannot be missing from your diet to keep your mitochondria healthy and active. 


In fact, regular consumption of the aforementioned foods is associated with IVF cycles, an increase in the number of good quality embryos and a reduction in genetic abnormalities of the oocyte. 


However, if you need to overcome an unfavorable situation, more doses of these three components will be necessary and you will have to resort to supplementing them. 


Finally, the mitochondria require magnesium for many of its processes, including mitochondrial biogenesis. Of course, choose a magnesium that is highly bioavailable in the form of citrate or bisglycinate.


And watch out! The sustained consumption of certain medications can be counterproductive for the mitochondria. For example, statins, block the production of cholesterol, but also of Coenzyme Q10.

Benefits of yoga in the field of fertility


  • Gustavo Nardini Cecchino et al. The role of mitochondrial activity in female fertility and assisted reproductive technologies: overview and current insights.. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 2018.
  • heide schatten et al. The impact of mitochondrial function/dysfunction on IVF and new treatment possibilities for infertility. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. November 2014.
  • Elena Labarta, et al. Mitochondria as a tool for oocyte rejuvenation. Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 111, No. 2, February 2019 
  • Paul Sudipt. Is Age-Related Decline in Female Fertility Mitochondrial Dysfunction? Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal 5(2): 00148.
  • Garth L. Nicolson. Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Chronic Disease: Treatment With Natural Supplements. Integrative Medicine (Encinitas). 2014 Aug; 13(4): 35–43.
  • D. Prabhu Kumar and N. Sangeetha. Mitochondrial DNA mutations and male infertility. Indian J Hum Genet. 2009 Sep-Dec; 15(3): 93–97.
  • Yan, Z., Lira, VA, & Greene, NP (2012). Exercise training-induced regulation of mitochondrial quality. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 40(3), 159.