Natural therapies in assisted reproduction processes

Why do natural therapies while I am preparing or undergoing assisted reproduction?

If you have ever wondered if natural therapies help you get pregnant during an assisted reproduction process, we are going to clear up all your doubts. You will know what benefits they provide and what contraindications they have.

You already know that to increase the chances of pregnancy you have to be calm and relaxed. Surely they have told you.

But what they tell you is one thing, and achieving it is quite another.

Not only because of the pace of life and that it is often difficult to change what worries us at work or in our environment. But to all this is added the fact that you and your partner need professional help to achieve pregnancy.

In the end it is an accumulation of sensations with which you have to fight to avoid frustrations, fears, stress, etc.

And all of that doesn't help your body with fertility or the reproduction process.

Precisely, natural therapies in reproduction processes what they are after is that, your physical and mental well-being. Let's see how.

How do natural therapies help improve fertility?

There is no magic formula to achieve pregnancy. Medicine is a science that, thanks to knowledge of the human body, provides us with tools to treat something as complex, diverse and particular as fertility.

And thanks to her, many women achieve that much-desired pregnancy.

However, even with the uncertainty that it is not always achieved, we must take advantage of all the options we have at hand.

Natural therapies can be the ideal complement to increase those chances of success. As long as they are supervised by professionals and advised by a reproductive doctor.

What type of natural therapies are recommended for those seeking pregnancy? 

There are so many alternatives that it is difficult to know which ones are truly beneficial. Our recommendation is that you lean on those who are backed by scientific data

It is about complementing fertility treatment to improve reproductive capacity, so they must solve problems that traditional medicine does not treat, or that does not do so with natural resources.  

These are the most recommended natural therapies:

The nutrition. 

Yes, as you hear, we consider it as a very necessary complementary therapy. You have already been told that you should have a healthy and varied diet, but depending on how your body is or what the problem is, eating some specific foods will help you a lot.

Therefore, it is an excellent option to have a nutritionist specialized in fertility who knows how to tell you what macronutrient and micronutrient intake your body needs before undergoing a fertilization treatment, or to eliminate toxins before getting pregnant, or who Help eliminate endocrine disruptors from the diet.

Taking care of your diet is recommended for both women and men: Poor diet also affects sperm quality.

Here I leave you three books on fertility diet with recipes included:

 Aphrodisiac foods and their recipes

aphrodisiac foods and their recipes

 What to eat to get pregnant

what to eat to get pregnant book

 Nutrition and female health

nutrition and women's health



Behind this therapy there are thousands of years of practice in traditional Chinese medicine. But in addition, in northern European countries they consider it so beneficial that they are covered by national health services.

Thanks to acupuncture, the nervous system (reducing stress), the immune system and the regulation of thyroid metabolism can be treated naturally.

Receive treatment acupuncture during fertility treatment The pregnancy rate has increased according to numerous clinical studies.

Fertility massage. 

A very pleasant technique that is gently applied during the follicular phase of the cycle of the woman seeking pregnancy. 

It is beneficial for those women seeking to conceive naturally, and also in some phases of the assisted reproduction process.

It is usually used in combination with other therapies and always with follow-up by a specialist doctor.

On the other hand, there are also therapies that, although they are very fashionable, there is no scientific evidence that they manage to improve the results of the assisted reproduction process. For example, kinesiology, homeopathy or laughter therapy.

While they generally have no side effects, there is no guarantee nor are they backed by the medical community.

In any case, it will always be necessary that you ask your gynecologist.


When to start with natural therapies?

Surely since you decided that you wanted to be a mother you started searching on the Internet what you should do: take care of your nutrition, take folic acid, do a detox, exercise to release endorphins…

Our recommendation is that you consult with a fertility and reproduction specialist from the beginning. Before even knowing if you will get pregnant naturally or if you will need help.

If you are beginning the search for pregnancy, resorting to natural therapies will help you with the detox diet, the reduction of stress and that your eggs are of quality. 

Also in the case of men they help with sperm quantity and morphology

Furthermore, if you finally have to resort to assisted reproduction, you are going to go through a process that can cause tension, which never helps. Treating them correctly can make the difference between achieving success with the cycle or having to try again.

For the fertilization treatment you will take medications prescribed by the specialist doctor to increase the chances of success. Combine it with nutrition counseling, acupuncture and even the help of a psychologist.

All support is insufficient to prevent you from becoming discouraged and giving up prematurely.

In conclusion, what you should consider before looking for an assisted reproduction center is whether, in addition to the medical treatment itself, they have the support of specialists in complementary natural therapies.

Because if you feel well, physically and mentally, the chances of success are greater. Lean on natural therapies after consulting with your doctor.

And finally, enjoy the moment, because wanting to bring a baby into the world deserves the journey to be as pleasant as possible. Surround yourself with those who help you navigate it.

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