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Fertility massage: what it is and benefits

fertility massage fertility massage

Fertility massage: what it is and benefits in reproductive processes

Fertility massage is, as its name suggests, a massage that seeks to support the fertility process of a woman, either because she seeks pregnancy alone and needs treatment or seeks it as a couple and the positive does not finish arriving. either

But, what is really the influence of this technique within a fertility process?

Influence of fertility massage in the search for pregnancy

Looking for a pregnancy can sometimes become complicated. And couples who are in the process suffer a high level of stress, both emotionally, physically and even financially. 

They may have been trying to conceive naturally or have been through different types of fertility assistance. It is more than likely that they have undergone tests, examinations, punctures, stimulations, weight records... All these tests, necessary in many cases, end up increasing mistrust about our body's abilities to achieve pregnancy. 

However, and although it is something key, very little attention is paid to the emotional component of this trip. And this can be an important component in facilitating a pregnancy. The pressure and expectations of conceiving can be overwhelmingly stressful. And, as the processes lengthen over time, this stress increases exponentially. 

One of the great reasons (and one of the most contrasted) why the Fertility massage fits into this process because of its deactivating effect on this stress. The fertility massage covers, connects and restores confidence in the physical body. It is very helpful in reducing stress and anxiety. 

However, it could be doubted whether or not these aids would have an impact on the fertile capacity of couples. Let's see what the studies tell us about it. 


What is fertility massage?

Fertility massage is not something new, far from it. It consists of recovering an ancient tradition, once endorsed and contrasted with modern studies and evidence. 

It consists of performing an intense and relaxing massage at the same time. Powerful, but not aggressive at all. It involves achieving more or less rhythmic movements in the pelvic area, anterior and posterior. 

And it works by aligning the organs within the abdominal area, releasing pressure and strengthening the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area, as well as the release of tension at the level of the fascia, muscle and visceral with the help of the shawls.


It can be used as a stand-alone treatment in the period when pregnancy is sought naturally or as a complement to other forms of fertility treatment. The regularity of its application is the key to benefit from its benefits. 


Origin of fertility massage

This is a type of natural fertility treatment that has been in use for hundreds of years. 

Throughout Indonesia, for example, massage is widely understood to help women's reproductive health. Whether at the time of conception, or during pregnancy, childbirth, or the postpartum period (Connor, Asch, and Asch 1996; Hunter 2001; Newland 2002; Hay 2004)


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Benefits of fertility massage

There are many benefits of using fertility massage, although they can be summed up in three main groups: circulatory, inflammatory and central. 

Benefits of fertility massage at the circulatory level

Fertility massage improves blood circulation to the pelvic organs. Fertility massage therapy improves the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems and encourages increased blood flow to the reproductive and pelvic organs, as well as resolving any congestion and misalignment of these organs.


Benefits of fertility massage at the inflammatory level

It moderates the inflammatory response, and with it, the pain. It improves the function of the organs by releasing the physical and emotional congestion of the abdomen.

It can help reposition the internal abdominal organs, including the uterus. Its correct position optimizes the possibilities of fertilization and implantation.

Helps tone and strengthen the uterus and surrounding ligaments to optimize fertilization and implantation.

It breaks down scar tissue or adhesions that surround the reproductive, digestive, and pelvic organs, improving organ function and health.

With the improvement in circulation and also the modulation of inflammation, the symptoms of dysmenorrhea (painful periods) improve and the regulation of the menstrual cycle is facilitated. 


Benefits of fertility massage at the central level

It relaxes the central nervous system (CNS) by decreasing the hormone cortisol and increasing the endogenous production of serotonin.

These types of massage therapies help subdue the parasympathetic nervous system and induce rest and relaxation…which is always welcome.

The balance of the central nervous system is essential to go through a complex process, emotionally speaking, such as assisted fertility.

Importance of regularity in fertility massage

Although the benefits of massage are clear, they are not a flash in the pan. The regularity in the sessions is basic for specific treatments, as is the case of the treatment of dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation), spotting (bleeding during the cycle), to recover the regularity of the cycles or to reduce previous dark bleeding. or after the cycle. 

Fertility massage contraindications

There are no contraindications described beyond what has been mentioned at the circulatory level and in assisted reproduction processes. In any case, the only limitation would be that there was a specific hypersensitivity of the pelvic area and the massage would not be entirely pleasant. 

In these cases, the intensity of the massage can be modulated to suit the sensitivity of the patient. Or if not, the session can be canceled and postponed for another time when there is not so much sensitivity.

Likewise, any gynecological characteristic must be taken into account to modulate the massage itself, this being very soft in cases of endometriosis and being able to indicate other types of interventions in cases of fibroids. In addition, in cases of assisted reproduction, just at the time of ovarian stimulation,


When to perform fertility massage

The best time to performing a fertility massage is during the ovulation phase, that is, from just after the period until approximately day 14 of the cycle. 

During ovulation, the blood supply to the reproductive organs is of vital importance. 

Fertility massage during menstruation

For the same reason, it would not be a recommended treatment to carry out during the period of time that the bleeding or menstruation lasts, that is, from day 1 to 6 approximately of the cycle. 

Fertility massage in the luteal phase

Once ovulation is over, the luteal phase (or second phase of the menstrual cycle) begins.

It includes from day 14-15 of the cycle until the new arrival of menstruation. And it is a period in which one must be especially cautious since it is always possible that there has been a fertilization and the delicate nesting process is underway. 

It would not be especially recommended to activate the circulatory system in the lower abdomen in the event of an incipient pregnancy. 

If you are sure that fertilization and implantation could not have taken place, there would be no problem receiving a fertility massage in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. In fact, it could help reduce premenstrual syndrome and have a more normal period. 


Fertility massage in assisted reproduction treatments

In case you are following some type of fertility assistance, where the times are so studied and regulated, the ideal time to receive a fertility massage is just the cycles before the start of medication.

If we are in the process of insemination or assisted reproduction, very possibly we have been prescribed some type of medication that is also usually a puncture in the abdomen. For this reason and because of the process of ovarian stimulation itself, fertility massage is not suitable when we are already in the process of fertility and this technique is suitable to prepare us for the treatment, not during the process itself. If you want to accompany it with a natural therapy, you could support it with acupuncture for assisted reproduction


Benefits of massage on fertility

Women and couples who go through an assisted reproduction process are usually in a moment of special sensitivity and vulnerability. 

It is important to protect them from miraculous, unethical or misleading promotions. The fertility massage is one more complement that improves the scenario to achieve, as a whole, more options for fertility. 

Some of its benefits are clearly described and contrasted, although its limitations must be recognized. It would be unrealistic to directly relate massage to fertility, but it is. with the improvement of the physical and emotional condition of the woman who wants to become pregnant

Thus, some of the proven effects of fertility massage are:

Decreased cortisol and increased serotonin. 

There is good evidence showing that the Stress it can affect the reproductive system and therefore the ability to conceive. 

Research concludes that psychological stress can affect both men and women

In men, on the one hand, it leads to lower levels of total serum testosterone. On the other, to secondary increases in the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which could alter seminal quality in men. 

In women, stress can increase the level of cortisol, the main stress hormone, capable of directly inhibiting estrogen production. It affects the normal functions of the ovarian follicles and leads to a deterioration in the quality of the oocyte. 

And in the case of in vitro fertilization (IVF) processes, it has been shown that it leads to a reduction in the number of oocytes retrieved.

Stress can also affect the hormonal axis that connects the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary) with the ovaries (hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis). 

It is believed that it may reduce the brain stimulation involved in the secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. With them, the synthesis of ovarian hormones would be reduced, which could compromise ovulation and the correct production of a quality endometrium. 

On the other hand, it is known that psychological stress increases the concentration of glucocorticoids and catecholamines, substances that can activate survival mechanisms related to blood circulation. 

They generate vasoconstriction, which reduces blood flow in the uterus and therefore also in the endometrium. This is something that is not interesting when it comes to wanting to carry out a pregnancy, both with IVF and without IVF. 

Furthermore, research has shown that psychological stress can even trigger serious problems in embryonic development. Reading this, it might be surprising how even in cases of high stress there are women who get pregnant. 

Psychological stress can affect semen quality, oocyte quality and quantity, ovulation, uterine blood flow, and the mechanisms and processes necessary to deliver and carry a fetus to term; however, many people endure psychological stress and encounter no problems conceiving or carrying to term. 

There is a study that analyzes the effect of moderate pressure massages to reduce psychological stress derived from physically or emotionally compromised situations. 

Research includes studies on depression (including studies on sexual abuse and eating disorders), studies on pain syndrome, research on autoimmune conditions (including asthma and chronic fatigue), immunological studies (including HIV and cancer of breast) and studies on the reduction of stress at work, the stress of aging and the stress of pregnancy.

Saliva or urine cortisol levels were analyzed in the paper, and significant decreases in cortisol levels (average 31% decreases) were observed after moderate pressure massage.

In studies looking at activating neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) in urine, an average increase of 28% was seen for serotonin and an average increase of 31% for dopamine. 

These combined studies confirm the stress-relieving effects (lowering cortisol) and activating effects (increasing serotonin and dopamine) that massage therapy has on a variety of medical conditions and stressful experiences.

As a curiosity, it was observed that light massage did not seem to have the same biochemical effects mentioned above.


Other uses of fertility massage

There is an interesting study that confirms how, by combining fertility massage with conventional exercises, a significant improvement is detected in the reduction of the waist-hip ratio, the size of the ovarian cyst and a reduction in the level of stress in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. . More than if only conventional exercises were recommended. 


There seems to be evidence of the improvements that the fertility massage with rebozo maintained over time has for specific situations such as: endometriosis, existence of scar tissue, repositioning of a tilted uterus, blocked fallopian tubes, idiopathic infertility, ovarian cysts, menstrual cramps, hormonal imbalances


Fertility massage is a good way to take care of yourself, something so important when it comes to fertility processes. 

It favors the body-mind connection and makes us feel in harmony. In addition, the fact of feeling taste or pleasure through the body again improves the confidence and empowerment of women with problems to conceive. 


And having read this… when are you going to try a fertility massage? 


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  • Sarah Z. et al Does massage therapy immediately prior to embryo transfer improve clinical pregnancy rate in IVF-PGT-A (in-vitro fertilization-preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy) cycles? Fertility and Sterility. Volume 112, Isue 3, Supplement, E184-E185, September 2019
  • Okhowat, J. Massage Therapy Improves In Vitro Fertilization Outcome in Patients Undergoing Blastocyst. Transfer in a Cryo-Cycle. Alternatives Therapies, March/April 2015. Volume 21
  • Field, T et al. (2005) Cortisol decreases and serotonin and dopamine increases in following massage therapy. International. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine. Journal of Neuroscience, 2005. 115:10, 1397-1413,
  • Fogarty, S. Fertility Massage: an Unethical Practice? International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork—Volume 11, Number 1, March 2018
  • Fogarty S. et al. Australian massage therapists' views and practices related to preconception, pregnancy and the early postpartum period. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. Volume 40, August 2020, 101222
  • Rekha K. et al. Effects of Fertility Massage and Conventional Exercises In Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. ResearchJournal of Pharmacy and Technology. Vol 12. Issue 10. Pagers 5037-5041. December 2019