Phytotherapy: benefits and contraindications of infusions 🌱

What you need to know about phytotherapy: discover the benefits of natural plant infusions and their side effects

The use of plants to cure ailments, alleviate or improve health is something that humans have been doing since the beginning of time. Even when we did not know how to write, knowledge about plants and their healing properties was transmitted from generation to generation orally.

In fact, current drugs use, to a large extent, the active ingredients present in nature.

However, we must be careful when ingesting infusions since, just as they help us take care of ourselves naturally, they can also be harmful if we abuse the quantities or if we mix them with other infusions or with pharmacological treatments.

That is why in this article you are going to discover what the benefits of infusions are and also what precautions you should take so that they do not harm you.

A little history about the origins of phytotherapy

Phytotherapy is the natural therapy that uses plants for the prevention, cure or relief of symptoms and discomforts. 

Since when has it been practiced? Even before human beings learned to document their learning.

Our Neanderthal ancestors were already able to detect the effects that plants had on them after ingesting them or applying them to wounds. 

So we can ensure that the infusions have always been used.

The first written document on the use of healing plants dates back to the year 3000 BC, in what is considered the first civilization in the world, the Sumer in Mesopotamia.

Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and the clergy in medieval times used and documented the use of natural plants to treat ailments. Today, the pharmaceutical industry continues to use them to obtain the active ingredients of medicines.

Obviously, Right now we have an enormous advantage compared to the past: we know perfectly the origin of the plants, the best strains are selected and traceability is known. 

In addition, studies have been done on the recommended doses for our body and thus adverse effects can be avoided.

Let's debunk a false myth about natural remedies

If we listen to popular wisdom, it seems that something that has natural components will not be bad or harm us.

This statement of “if it is natural, it is good for your health” is a false myth. 

Aren't poisonous mushrooms natural?

In reality, not all plants are edible, for example poisonous or hallucinogenic ones; Nor can we put our hand in the fire so that they do not have adverse reactions or cause poisoning. In the worst case, a mistake could be fatal.

The advantage is that today, we have documented almost all the effects that plants have on our body, both harmful and beneficial.

Our ancestors learned this through tests and immediate reactions after ingesting some plants. But in other cases it has been science that has discovered side effects that appear in the longer term.

Despite all this, one thing is clear: today phytotherapy has a very solid basis for knowing what properties each plant has, both beneficial and counterproductive. And also in what dosage it is advisable to ingest them.

Therefore, we should not distrust the infusions that are sold on the market. You can rest assured and consume them without fear since each one of them specifies exactly what composition it has, what the maximum recommended dose is and what each one is recommended for.


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Benefits of phytotherapy in fertility

As we just mentioned, each infusion is designed to relieve or help your body according to your needs at that moment.

The benefits of taking a natural remedy made with plants are many, and in fact more and more doctors are relying on phytotherapy for minor or specific ailments or discomforts and in those cases in which the side effects of the medication have an impact on the health of their patients. patients.

If you also choose infusions prepared with organic, biological ingredients, free of pesticides and without additives, your body will thank you.

How to avoid problems with infusions

Of course, homemade mixtures or without measuring the quantities of each ingredient, unless prescribed by a professional, are not recommended. Remember that each plant has different properties and combinations between them can achieve unwanted effects. 

Types of infusions in phytotherapy

There are many types of infusions to meet your needs at all times:

  • The relaxing ones: they help you reduce stress and sleep better thanks to the fact that they contain valerian, lavender or lime blossom.
  • The stimulants: which help you in your daily life with energy thanks to the fact that its components include ginseng, green tea or mint.
  • The refreshing ones: even drinking them in summer makes you feel great thanks to the mint or peppermint.
  • Decongestants: if you need help with fluid retention or to improve blood circulation.
  • Those specific to women: which take into account menstrual cycles.

There are many more. Almost as many as moods. 

Pregnant women or women seeking pregnancy require special attention. Here, hormonal cycles must also be taken into account. 

Can I take infusions when I am trying to get pregnant or when I am already pregnant?

In Spain they are not yet well known but in Central European countries the use of cyclical infusions is much more widespread. They are infusions with a specific composition for the pregnant woman or for those who have decided to have a baby and want to prepare their body and help it reinforce its natural function.

There are also specific infusions to cleanse your body when you want to conceive, which helps you eliminate toxins and also the remains of oral contraceptives. 

In principle, and unless there is an allergy or intolerance to a plant, the consumption of infusions in pregnant women is not harmful. However, the ideal is always to consult your gynecologist or a fertility specialist.

And of course, if you are taking any medication, it is essential to ask your doctor what infusions you can take.


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