Teletest fertility and microbiota analysis 🦠 + Discount Code

How to take advantage of future analyzes with Teletest

You're probably wondering what this Teletest thing is. To explain it to you, let us welcome you to the future.

Teletest It is much more than a clinical analysis laboratory. 

Teletest laboratories have almost 30 years of history and experience in the field of analytics (and despite this, we welcome you to the future, now you will understand). They started as a clinical analysis laboratory, but they quickly innovated with the incorporation of new processes and techniques. 

In the field of fertility and reproduction, the research and analysis capacity is increasingly greater, and more complete.

Especially in the study of microbiota and its imbalances: dysbiosis

logo teletest fertility results

Women's dysbiosis

Currently, technological research on topics related to the microbiota has advanced a lot.

So much so, that today no one can deny the importance of the behavior of the bacteria that live inside our body. 

And, beyond the intestinal microbiota, today research focuses on the different communities of microorganisms that inhabit our body.

Speaking specifically about fertility and reproduction, studying dysbiosis in women is perfect for analyzing the microbiota and pathogens what do they have to do with female health, through the reproductive system.

Luckily for all of us, there are currently many professionals who are dedicated to the study of vaginal microbiota. While is true that hormones and their activity are responsible for many issues related to female health problems, clinical tests have shown that there are other phenomena that intervene, such as metabolic problems.

The vaginal microbiome has to do with the menstrual cycle, fertility and the risk of infections. Its imbalance (dysbiosis) can lead to significant health problems. One of the most frequent is the vaginosis

What can be the causes of vaginosis? 

  • Hormonal disorders
  • Stress
  • Contraceptive use
  • Malnutrition


One of the big drawbacks is that a woman can suffer from vaginosis for a long time, without having obvious clinical symptoms. This is where they can intervene Teletest analyzes to improve fertility through the detection of dysbiosis, among many other analyses.

But what are the analyzes offered Teletest in the field of fertility and reproductive health? 🔽 

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Vaginal dysbiosis test

The vaginal dysbiosis test is the perfect instrument to study alterations of the vaginal biofilm, which have to do with fertility, menstrual imbalances, inflammation and infections, basic aspects of women's reproductive health.

This is your ideal test in the following cases:

  • Menstrual imbalances.
  • Vaginosis: specific or repeated infections.
  • Fertility study: implantation failures, repeat abortions.
  • Infections due to overgrowth of pathogens and species.

This test is very convenient because you can do it yourself from home. You take the sample on the days indicated by the test and as soon as you have it, a delivery person will come pick it up at your home. (Depending on the country, the shipping system may vary)

There are 3 different profiles:

  • Essential: study of the microbiota and evaluation of vaginal biofilm imbalances.
  • Extended: The study of infections due to overgrowth of pathogens and species is added to the basic study.
  • Plus: Liquid Cytology (assessment of cellular atypia) is added to the two previous studies. 

vaginal dysbiosis test teletest fertility

You can consult this graph and all the characteristics of the dysbiosis test on the Teletest website.


Endometrial Dysbiosis Test

With endometrial dysbiosis tests, Teletest evaluates the microbiota of the endometrium to study aspects related to fertility and infections or inflammations connected to pathogens.

It is indicated for:

  • Fertility studies: repeat abortions and implantation failures.
  • Endometritis.
  • Infections due to overgrowth of pathogens and species.

In order to obtain the sample for analysis in the laboratory, you will require a healthcare professional specializing in gynecology so that they can obtain the sample in consultation.


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Oral Dysbiosis Test

It is the ideal tool for the study of the oral microbiota, which although it may seem strange, directly affects a woman's fertility, in addition to being able to cause digestive and cardiovascular problems. 

In addition, it helps to identify periodontal pathologies and cavities.

It's for you if:

  • You want to analyze your fertility from a different point of view.
  • You suffer from pathologies such as halitosis, sores or canker sores.
  • You have a tendency to develop periodontal pathologies and cavities. 

Thanks to the results of this test, evidence can be seen that allows changes in eating habits and personalized treatment such as the use of antibiotics (under medical prescription), probiotics or prebiotics.

Female hormonal health

Hormonal health is one of the pillars that we have to control when we are trying to get pregnant.

For this reason, at Teletest they give you the possibility of carrying out analyzes of all aspects related to hormonal health and fertility, as well as budgeting for them in a personalized way. You can find all of them by writing them in this link

They are the following:

  • Ovulation. 
  • Ovarian reserve. 
  • Thyroid. 
  • Basic coagulation.
  • Vitamins and minerals. 
  • Coagulation. 
  • Insulin resistance. 
  • Sugar. 
  • Seminal dysbiosis.


Now that you know the possibilities offered by Teletest laboratories, you will like to know that, in this online space specialized in fertility  We have a 10% discount on all your tests.

To achieve this, it is very easy:

  1. Choose the diagnostic test you want to perform.
  2. Choose where you want to extract the sample. You will see that it will give you the choice between going to a Teletest center in person or having a kit sent to your home. In the event that you prefer to go to a Teletest center, we provide you with the list of centers by clicking this link. If, on the other hand, you prefer to have the kit sent to your home, we will tell you how to obtain it. The discount will be useful in both cases and in all teletest tests. 
  3. Write the word GOFERTIL in the space reserved for “Promotional Code”, and click “Apply”.

teletest discount coupon

This image is an example, in your case, another budget number and another key will appear



The extraction kit

Extraction kits are the way to take any test without having to go to Teletest centers: in the event that your place of residence is very far from Madrid or Barcelona or for any other reason.

How does the process work?


fertility teletest kit

  • Click “I have a request without Kit

application without kit

  • Choose the requested test, complete your personal information and proceed to payment. Don't forget to enter the promotional code  “GOFERTIL” and click on "Apply” to get your 10% discount. 
  • When you receive the kit at home, it is necessary to choose the requested test again and complete the included forms.
  • Can check the results either by email or also in the My Results/Download reports tab. You will need a reference number and a code to access which you will find on the kit instructions form)
  • Aspects to consider:
    • *The courier service is included in the price in the case of residing in Spain (Canary Islands and Balearic Islands, consult the laboratory) 
    • *For shipments to Europe, there is an added charge that you must consult with the laboratory. 
    • *For shipments to the rest of the world, check the added charge directly with the laboratory. 
    • *It is very important not to take antibiotics (or probiotics) at least a week before extracting the sample in cases of dysbiosis analysis. Always read the specific specifications both in this type of test and in any other type of test. analytics


We all know the importance of control in any process related to fertility. The feeling of being cared for It is very important both physically and emotionally.

At Telest laboratories you will find a professional team whose mission is to continually improve technology and the quality of its analysis, to meet the needs of women (and also men) in terms of fertility.

If you have any questions about the tests or their operation, do not hesitate to contact teletest, they will be happy to assist you.

Other teletest tests

In addition to the microbiota tests related to female fertility, within teletest you can find tests for male fertility such as the seminogram, the study of the microbiota in semen or the study of the microbiota in urine among others.

Keep in mind that the GOFERTIL teletest discount code It is useful for all types of analyses, even the most basic ones, not just those specialized in fertility or intestinal dysbiosis or parasites.

The 🔝 probiotic foods to have a balanced female flora


Note: If you make a purchase with the coupon, in the report, the annotation "patient Gina Oller" will appear. If you are not a patient of the consultation, I will not see or evaluate your results and they will be only for you. I recommend that you always interpret them accompanied by a health professional.
