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🧘‍♀️The 5 best yoga poses to get pregnant

yoga exercises that help with fertility

Yoga and exercises that help with fertility

Exercising and staying in shape is recommended at any time in your life. But if you are looking for pregnancy, either naturally or with the help of assisted reproduction, yoga can help you improve fertility.

We are more and more sedentary. And it costs us more to be constant with the practice of sport. 

To that we must add the stress and anxiety of the day to day. 

The practice of sport benefits everyone. On a physical and mental level.

And what sport to practice? Yoga is one of those sports that does not harm anyone. Even pregnant you can enjoy the benefits of her sessions.

This time we are going to talk about what yoga exercises you can practice if you are in the process of the search for pregnancy.

yoga and fertility book  Yoga and Fertility Book

The benefits of yoga for fertility

This that you are going to read next, you have already heard it before: to get pregnant it is best for both of you to relax.

And you also know that it is easier said than done.

Especially if you have been trying it naturally for a while or have already asked for help from medical professionals. Pressure doesn't help keep nervous and anxiety levels in check.

Well, perhaps you had not yet valued it, but yoga can help with specific exercises for fertility. Not to mention that, in any of its modalities, It is a practice that in general helps to reduce the stress levels, relax the body and also strengthen the mind.

The benefits of yoga are achieved through the practice of different postures, called asanas, meditation and breath control. Thanks to this, the levels of stress that we generate from day to day are reduced. In addition, on a physical level, it improves blood circulation and helps to strengthen the immune system.

Some of those exercises, the ones that work the hip area, are the ones that can help with fertility.

Benefits of yoga for fertility

Apart from stress management, the chances of pregnancy can be increased practicing a series of specific postures for the pelvic and hip area.

If you have heard of the chakras: in that area is the second one, called Svadhishthana, the orange one. And it is directly associated with fertility.

So on the one hand, with yoga in general you work reducing stress on the body, with what is achieved that stress is not the cause of hormonal alterations.

This can lead to an improvement in women with irregular cycles, by stabilizing the hormonal system. And also men can benefit because stress affects libido and testosterone levels.

And on the other hand you can do exercises (asanas) that work the hip area by improving blood circulation in that specific part of the body. These asanas stimulate the internal reproductive organs.

Through yoga for fertility, a physical and mental balance can be achieved.

Let's see what specific exercises work best to work this area with yoga.

Benefits of yoga in the field of fertility

Yoga exercises for fertility

As you already know, all those exercises that activate blood and energy circulation in the hip and pelvic area are beneficial for those who are looking for pregnancy.

It is about stimulating the second chakra (svadhisthana) so any posture that works the swing of the pelvis, makes circles with the hips or stretches will help you.

Let's see a few of those that will help you with fertility, valid both for those who have just started to seek pregnancy in a natural way and for those who have started the path of assisted reproduction.

Victorious Breath: Ujjayi Pranayama

It will help you start the yoga session and it is recommended that you keep it during the session. It will help you relax, concentrate and prepare your body for the following asanas (yoga postures).

  • In a comfortable, lotus position, slow down your breathing.
  • With your mouth open, inhale and exhale with a whispering sound but without opening your mouth. Yes, it has to ring.
  • Deep inhales and exhales for 5 minutes will help you prepare for the rest of the exercises.

Cat and Cow Pose: Marjaryasana and Bitilasana

Combined with each other, they will help you stretch your back, massage your abdominal area, and relax and warm your hips, wrists and shoulders.

  • Get on your knees, as if you were a cat.
  • Exhale bringing the navel towards the spine, arching the back upwards. (Cat)
  • You drop your head and contract your pelvic floor.
  • Inhale bringing your back down, unlike in the cat.
  • Raise your head and relax your pelvis.
  • Do repetitions of both poses, holding them for at least 5 seconds each.

Crescent Moon: Anjaneyasana

It will help you stretch the hips and abdomen. And as a consequence, the blood flow to the organs in that area, those responsible for fertility, increases.

  • Move your right leg forward at a 90º angle and leave your back knee resting on the ground.
  • Inhale while bringing your arms up. Follow the movement of your hands with your head.
  • Keep your abdominal area straight.
  • Take 5 breaths and switch legs.


Warrior 2: Virabhadrasana 2

With this asana you will be able to strengthen and open your hips. 

  • Stand up and spread your legs as wide as you can (without losing your balance).
  • Arms outstretched.
  • Turn one foot out and you will notice your hips turn. Let your body accompany it.
  • Bend your front leg.
  • Breathe holding the position and then switch legs.

Rosary: ​​Malasana

This pose helps you release tension in the fertility chakra. It will also open the hips and groin.

  • Standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart: take a deep breath and bend your knees as much as possible.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Put your palms together, as if you were greeting with a Namaste. 🙏
  • Open your thighs with your elbows and hold the position by breathing deeply.

We have focused on those yoga exercises that are very specific to fertility. Those who work the pelvic area.

Although there are actually quite a few more. 

We encourage you to practice yoga and to find a group that does it. You will see that they are all benefits. The reality is that you will be able to relax body and mind, something very valuable for the rest to go well.

However, do not forget that if you are going to put them into practice, it would be better to do it with someone who has experience and correct the positions for you. Not to mention that if you are undergoing medical fertility treatment, these tips should go hand in hand with what the reproduction specialist tells you.

Have you practiced this type of yoga? Tell us how you have felt.

Here is a book on yoga and fertility that I hope will help you on your way. Yoga and Fertility A Journey to Health and Healing


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