Biochemical pregnancy or microabortion

In this post we are going to talk to you about what a biochemical abortion is, also called biochemical pregnancy or microabortion, how to identify it and how common it is.

First of all we must know that biochemical abortion is the earlier embryonic loss that can be detected.

In this case, when there is a microabortion, fertilization, growth of the embryo and contact with the mother's uterus have occurred. The contact has generated the pregnancy homone or beta hcg human chorionic gonadotropin and that is why we have been able to detect that the beta hormone has begun to be synthesized and he pregnancy test or the pregnancy test comes back positive.

Nevertheless, A biochemical pregnancy is one that does not prosper beyond From the first days of pregnancy and shortly after having the positive test result, menstruation will normally appear with embryonic remains that are eliminated with the period.

If the pregnancy loss occurs weeks later and we have already visited the embryo in the maternal cavity, a biochemical abortion or microabortion can no longer be suffered. Keep in mind that in a biochemical pregnancy the embryo is never visualized ultrasonographically and after a few days bleeding appears.

The importance of the beta hcg gonadotropin hormone and how to assess it

One of the methods to know that the pregnancy is progressing correctly is by measuring the beta hCG hormone in urine but especially in blood. If we measure the pregnancy hormone in the blood we can obtain a value. If all goes well, this value will double every 48 years and will be the clearest sign that the pregnancy is thriving.

On the other hand, if the beta value does not increase or decrease, it is usually a bad forecast.

How does the menstrual cycle resume?

It may be that the period after a biochemical pregnancy is denser, more intense, with clots with menstruation, with greater abdominal pain due to small contractions and pain in the pelvic and lumbar areas.

When should you consult your doctor or gynecologist?

You need to consult your doctor if after a biochemistry you have difficulty getting a new pregnancy. If there is pain or menstruation and the menstrual cycle does not resume or has undergone many changes. Also if the biochemistry has happened after an IVF in vitro fertilization treatment or if it poses an emotional problem for the woman or the couple to be able to resume the search.

When to look for pregnancy again?

As embryonic development has not continued and the pregnancy never reaches the ultrasound, the expulsion of clots with the period usually leaves the uterus prepared for a new cycle. Thus, the menstrual cycle resumes normally without major alterations and if there are no more discomforts or ailments, it is common for it to be indicated that there is no problem to try a new pregnancy.

The short gestation period that has caused the test to be positive after fertilization and contact with the endometrium, but the pregnancy test to be positive and then the period to come, is not usually a reason to stop the search for pregnancy.

What you do have to assess is how you are, how you feel and if you need time and go to your specialist for personalized advice.

What can fertility treatment give you?

If you have gone through one or two biochemical pregnancies, the most important thing is that you go to your specialist so that he or she can do the necessary studies. If there are more of them or there is a diagnosis related to fertility or because you wish, you can go to a reproduction center and undergo fertility treatment.

Among fertility treatments, the clearest advantage that it gives you to avoid biochemical pregnancies is

  • Assessment of the quality of the embryos and transfer of those most suitable to have a healthy pregnancy, assessing how the embryo is formed and transferring it to the mother's uterus
  • Possibility of doing a Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis or PGD and thus knowing that there is no genetic cause of the embryo that causes the loss
  • Monitoring of the cycle, hormones and controls at all times on the uterine cavity and knowledge of the anatomical characteristics of the uterus.
  • You know exactly when to perform

In any case, remember that you are not alone and you can count on great professionals and specialized psychological support if you need it.


Study and causes of biochemical pregnancies

Sometimes unfortunately the reason for the biochemical pregnancy is unknown. However, among the tests that can be done to find out the causes and be able to provide treatment are the following:

  • Egg or sperm: The cause can be found in one of the couple's two gametes. Sperm can be studied easily. On the other hand, if there are genetic causes in the egg, it will be more difficult to diagnose.
  • Chromosomes: Most likely, they will ask you for a very common test called a karyotype to find out what genetic characteristics you have and if there are detectable genetic alterations.
  • Sanguine, They will also request analysis of the woman's coagulation catactaristics.
  • Study of the cavity; Apart from the ultrasound of the uterus, they may request other medical tests such as a hysterosalpingography or a hysteroscopy, among others. test to detect endometritis. 
  • Infectious causes: In this case, apart from vaginal cytology, a study of the dysbiosis of the endometrium or vagina Link
  • Hormonal causes as it may be due to deregulation of thyroid hormones.
  • Immune causes; It is very likely that they will also ask you for a battery of tests to rule out any immune problem.
  • Any other test What the professional who took you considers


What can you do?

There are things that are in our hands and others that are not. One of the things you can do to enhance fertility and facilitate having a healthy pregnancy is to acquire good lifestyle habits, otherwise, we reduce the chances of achieving a new pregnancy.

Among the most important things we can mention: to rest well, have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly, take appropriate preconception vitamins in your specific case and avoid toxins such as tobacco, alcohol and products that can harm your body.

Keep in mind

That a biochemical pregnancy does not decrease the chances of achieving a new pregnancy But you should keep a good record of your cycles and your pregnancy tests to learn more about embryo implantation and any help or treatment that would be appropriate in your case.

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