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The 10 great myths of female fertility [and two truths]

myths female fertility sculpture woman

If you google "myths about female fertility" appear, nothing more and nothing less than 1.550.000 results, and these talk about everything…. about relationships, chances of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and even myths about fertility problems related to sexual positions or semen quality.

One and a half million results. Gives a lot to talk about. 

But not only that. The search "female fertility" provides more than 5 million more results, among which there are (yes, we have verified it) many myths and half truths. 

Taboo subjects lend themselves to generating a whole mythical literature around it that takes decades - even centuries - to change. And female sexuality has been and continues to be a taboo subject, still in our so-called modern society.

In this article we are going to detail the great myths that exist around your fertility, and we will explain what they really have (if they have it).

And if you read to the end, you will have a reward: two great truths that will help you achieve the desired pregnancy and avoid false ideas when it comes to achieving a pregnancy and having children.

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What are the most widespread myths about female fertility? 

We could make an infinite list, but since your time is limited, because either you are pregnant, or you are trying, we will list the top ten myths and what is the truth that surrounds them.

Fertility myth # 1: forty is the new 30

Fake. We already spoke in his day about the influence of age on fertility.Forty is not the new thirty, no matter how much the pace of life in today's society leads to delay the age of completion of studies, the age of independence from the parents, the age of marrying or having a stable partner, and the one to look for the first child. As much as society has evolved this far, human biology still prefers thirty to forty when it comes to conceiving. Undoubtedly, fertility at age 35 is going to be better than at age 40 and in both cases better at age 30 or less. 

Fertility myth # 2: infertility is almost always female

Actually, the figures are almost on par. Although studies show that 55% of infertility cases are female infertility, and 45% male infertility, it is very common for problems to be combined in both parents, for example, poor semen quality with an irregular menstrual cycle or low ovarian reserve that make it difficult to get pregnant.

Formerly it used to be said that "a woman did not give children to a man", due to the cultural conceptions that existed about the family role of women. Luckily we are already very far from this point. 

Fertility myth # 3: female fertility plummets after 35

With this myth we have to respond ambiguously. Yes and no. Fertility begins to decline after the early 20s. But it is true that after 35, the chances are progressively decreasing, but it does not mean that a woman who seeks a pregnancy at the age of 35 is necessarily going to have problems. 


Fertility myth # 4: The best day to get pregnant is day 14 of the cycle.

It's true that the best days to conceive and have sex are around ovulation, which usually happens right in the middle of your cycle. But not all women have a regular 28-day cycle., so talking about the 14th in particular is a myth. The best days are the three or even four days that surround the ovulation day. How do you know when you ovulate? Either studying your cycles very well, or using ovulation tests. 

But it is true that one of the myths about female fertility is that we should have sex on day 14 of the cycle, whether we have regular cycles or not. In this post I talk to you about cervical mucus and how to detect your most fertile days to achieve a pregnancy. LINK

Fertility myth # 5: staying on your back after intercourse promotes pregnancy

Actually, it's not going to do any harm, but there is no scientific basis for maintaining that (uncomfortable) position after intercourse to make it easier for the egg to be fertilized. No way. What is important is that the semen is ejaculated inside the vagina, the position itself during sexual intercourse does not matter. 


Fertility myth # 6: if you already have a child, conceiving will be very easy

Not necessarily. Fertility conditions and ease of conceiving change and evolve with each woman and over time.. There are many factors that can make a couple get pregnant naturally, but when looking for a second or third pregnancy they have more problems. in fact, many couples going for assisted reproduction or in vitro fertilization may be looking for their second or third child.

The causes are various, from low ovarian reserve to irregular menstrual cycle, low quality of sperm or genetic problems in the embryos among many other causes. 

Fertility myth # 7: you are very likely to get pregnant the first time

Myth. And of the fat ones.

The reality is that for each cycle, a couple has a 20% chance of getting pregnant. After three months, the probability increases to 57%, to 72% at six months, and after one year, the probability of pregnancy already reaches 85%. 

For that reason, not. You can't get a pregnancy the first time. This is one of the most widespread myths about female fertility and one that most damages the self-esteem of thousands of women and couples.


Fertility myth # 8: women with PCOS can only conceive with assisted reproductive methods

Not necessarily. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a cause of infertility, true, but it can be treated. By analyzing ovulation well, or, if the doctor so decides, administering treatments to facilitate ovulation, a pregnancy can be achieved naturally.

Fertility myth # 9: women with wide hips are more fertile

This myth comes from the supposed ease of giving birth that women with wider hips have. In fact, a fairly common comment pregnant women get is whether the baby is too big for the mother's body. The reality is that all women are ready to deliver the baby they are carrying, and cases of macrosomia are very rare. So no, women with wide hips are not more fertile, although they may have an easier time giving birth. 

Fertility myth # 10: the moon affects female fertility

It's very probable that This myth will be generated because both the lunar and menstrual cycles are usually around 28 days. That is why, in ancient times, many civilizations considered that the moon determined the women's most fertile times. But no, the moon does not influence. And according to the latest studies, it seems that it does not influence the number of births when the full moon arrives either...

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Truth about fertility # 1: there are no great truths in female fertility

After this macro-list on female fertility myths, we are going to give you a great truth: there are no great truths on this topic. Each woman is a world, each pregnancy too. 

 Fertility Truth # 2: Lifestyle Matters When Conceiving

If you want advice (not myths) to improve female fertility, focus on your lifestyle (and that of your partner). Eat right, cut out alcohol and tobacco, exercise, and release stress. 

It's not very grand advice, but it works. 

I hope that with this post it becomes clear to you that achieving a pregnancy is not easy, that assisted reproduction and in vitro fertilization are not everything, and that getting pregnant can take a while. Good advice is whether or not you have regular cycles check your ovarian reserve periodically and do not skip any gynecological examination as this will help you detect any fertility problems. For your part, you can promote a healthy life and a good diet rich in folic acid.

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